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    Lester and Brian | Cult Series
    **极其黑暗和触发的内容以及奇怪的邪教正在发生|任何观点。** **我强烈建议使用 GPT 4 Turbo(比常规 GPT 4 更快、更便宜)以及我的越狱[此处](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xQ5PKR2Eoot2tQDwbNTDCZZoxHlMfSnGDOlwgvIgGWM/edit)以获得最真实的体验。我在[此处](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v-WXLh0XCX2t1ohPRZnHkTz441ZiZqZSvltVMw0mmUw/edit?usp=sharing)留下了聊天记录,以便您可以了解我打算如何让他们采取行动。它在 OpenAI 模型下列为 gpt-4-1106-preview。** -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 当您第一次抵达新公寓时,您会情不自禁地发现邻居有点太友好了。但是,嘿,你会接受这个,而不是拥有一个糟糕的房东和一个经常漏水的水槽。几个月来,一切都很酷,很花花公子,直到杰里,你的公寓经理,实际上是一个邪教领袖,决定你已经准备好参加他们的小型“社区”聚会了。是的,情节转折:你迷人的公寓楼实际上是邪教中心,现在你被困在这个公社里,没有轻松的出路。另外,作为你的欢迎礼包的一部分,你现在已经和莱斯特结婚了,这个家伙总是在你最意想不到的时候悄悄出现。哦,别忘了布莱恩,这位“开始迷人结束混蛋”先生,他一直在监视你,就像这是他的日常工作一样。欢迎来到社区! **随着 GPT 4 的发布,我再次更新了我的越狱 lmfao。请参阅我制作的[此](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OCNtZOG0XXN8YuxZ_Dpa0MRqR_tcmrnuEXMGfMOct-s/edit)文档,以充分利用我的机器人,尤其是多字符部分。如果您遇到问题和/或在投诉之前至少请参阅它。** -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ *注意:如果您使用经过严格审查的 GPT 3.5,您将不会获得相同的体验。无法保证 JLLM 将如何行事。愿意使用OOC并参考我的文档以获得最佳体验。可能会发布他们的另一个版本,角色互换,你要和布莱恩*结婚 *这个机器人的灵感来自电影 1BR (2019),但你不需要知道它,我只是引用它,这样人工智能就会有更多的上下文,而不会浪费我的内存令牌。如果您愿意,可以在[此处](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqwzEp7a_pU&ab_channel=FilmRecaps)观看电影的简短回顾,以了解更多背景信息。* *不和谐:https://discord.gg/5s2vzFWvCf* *感谢 [@HunterCatto](https://janitorai.com/profiles/b88dd0e9-d700-4feb-84c3-6aad7d12c63c_profile-of-hunter-catto) 制作图像,因为我太懒了。*
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    Dazai and Chuuya
    ✧ | The two most infamous executives have fallen head over heels for you, and they're fighting for your love and attention. *** **10/33 (?) req, done!! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)** (they're 18!!)
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    创作者: adb2a63b-55a9-4d4c-b884-e9b2ba334d5c
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    Ji-A and Sae-Hyun





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    创作者: a18a26cf-2584-4057-b9f4-7d378313d577
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    Keith Brown
    Mlm😉 **Your information** *you’re a police officer who just moved to the city, even though you’re new, you’re one of the best in the police station. (the rest is up to you 😙)* ______________________________________________________________________________ **Keith’s information** Name: Keith Brown Age: 27 *He is a well known Mafia boss and part of the street-gang “Blood fists”, he owns multiple Strip-clubs and bars in the city of New York. Not to mention, he has a lot of important contacts and illegal business going on. Even though he is dangerous, many woman and men can’t resist his charm and handsome body and face~* ______________________________________________________________________________ **Scenario information** *The scenario starts in an gun-fire between the police and his gang because the police lurked in the warehouse where another one of his drug-deals was supposed to occur.* ______________________________________________________________________________ **Side Character information** Name: Thomas Age: 28 *He is Keith’s right hand and one of his most loyal bodyguards, Thomas is straight and has a girlfriend so don’t even try. (he’s loyal to her)* ______________________________________________________________________________
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    创作者: 60788676-179b-4370-8f7b-349e17ae97f8
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    Alien abuction
    你突然被好色的外星人绑架了! (有触手的)他们对你很好奇,想研究你..甚至可能更多..;)(这是针对男性和女性的)(ps显示你的聊天记录我想看哈哈)
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    创作者: b86acc7f-3df8-4960-834a-51388406bbab
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    Ichika & Asami
    **Ichika & Asami (The Twin Classmates)** You were recently enrolled in a new high school because you moved to Japan. Everything seemed to be going well until the more time you spent in school, the more the girls of the school started to want to get closer to you, while Ichika and Asami, the two twin sisters, and your classmates watched. With determination in their eyes, they promised each other that they would make you pay attention to them, and always pay attention to them. One day, on a typical and usual sunny Saturday, you suddenly get a message on your phone from Ichika, asking if you would be open to come over to their house today, having nothing better to do and bored, you decide to go and say yes to Ichika's request. In the meantime, Ichika and Asami hug each other for a moment out of excitement and patiently waiting for your arrival. While they are waiting in Asami's bedroom, they say.😑 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This bot request was a request from **`"JoseDX12"`** on Janitor. I am open to take any other requests of existing characters and OC's as well!
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    创作者: 33b16d3f-09ac-4d4d-a515-fea98fe63e6e
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    Haitani Brothers
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    创作者: 4c21329f-647d-4b78-be27-16344b2ab404
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    欢迎来到 Gaunterland,这是一款面向成人内容的文本角色扮演游戏。 TW:BDSM、SA、厌女症、偏执、CNC 冈特兰是一片无情、不屈的风景,无论是城墙内还是整个乡村都充满了危险。善良的人在这片土地上是罕见的,和平更是难得。在冈特兰的父权社会里,没有人能长久安全。 这个基于文本的冒险是为女性玩家设计的,但我以允许男性玩家角色也可以玩的方式编写了机器人。 注意:这是一个仅用于娱乐目的的 RPG 机器人。在任何足够发达的社会中,针对女性或任何人的贬损、厌恶女性、性别歧视和暴力行为都没有立足之地。因此,以冈特兰为例来说明*不应该是*是很有价值的。 推荐设置: API:gpt-3.5-turbo 或 16k 提示:自由提示或任何有助于成人内容的自定义提示 温度:1.2 - 1.3 最大新代币:450 上下文大小:我建议将上下文大小保持在 4096 以加快生成速度,并仅利用聊天摘要来控制聊天内存。
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    创作者: c885b21f-2b7c-45e9-befc-8521d427ab7e
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    Ghost and König
    Request | Male POV | Their at a bar and you (a stripper) catch their eyes ************ diffrent version of [this bot](https://janitorai.com/characters/e1275f67-e711-4b71-b9b9-fcec1a708aed_character-konig-and-ghost)
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    创作者: 08e5c713-6e7a-4353-af76-b4807052d1ea
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    Douma, Akaza, Kokushibo
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    创作者: e603c628-22b3-458c-9446-254dc1ebf921
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    Rengoku and Tengen
    ✰ 你去执行任务是为了向你的两个丈夫证明你有能力独自完成任务..但是你失败了并且差点被恶魔杀死。他们对你非常生气。 (艺术来源:@yunonoai on twt!场景由@nymflans!) 莲石身材高大,肌肉发达。他有一头亮黄色的长发,上面有火焰般的红色条纹,头侧有两道及肩的刘海和两道及下巴的刘海,黑色的分叉眉毛,金色的眼睛渐渐变成红色,瞳孔呈白色。 天元是一个身材高大、肩膀宽阔、肌肉发达的男人,有着浅褐色的皮肤和白色的头发。他的头发长度参差不齐,最长的几缕头发垂到肩膀,并设计了三个更引人注目的较短的发束,它们拱起,像刘海一样落在他的眼睛之间和脸的两侧。他有一双很细的栗色眼睛,看起来向内倾斜,每只眼睛都有一根长长的睫毛流到脸的另一侧。
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    创作者: 4738f7e5-b445-4edf-9058-ee5ea938e2c7
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    Negan Smith
    Negan saw you in a dream which made him obsessed with looking for you, until he actually finds you in real life. (Turn your API settings to gpt-3.5-turbo-16k and generation settings to 10k for a better experience!) Attempting to make a really accurate TWD TV show Negan, give feedback please!
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    创作者: 38441839-9b1e-4ed5-a007-4cab924a35cb
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    Sam and Dean Winchester
    Sam and Dean, brothers who hunt the supernatural.
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    创作者: b57fc97a-9901-4590-8b89-6de5272d071d
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    Itoshi Sae
    纱江伊藤作为你的丈夫!非盟 Sae只关心他的目标,总是很晚回家,他甚至没有时间陪伴你这个妻子。那天晚上,你去酒吧决定喝点酒,因为 Sae 从来没有时间陪你,你感到很孤独。
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    创作者: 0c2efc30-6bb9-4a22-8b7a-86e2498d3c90
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    Dante and Vergil
    Why one, if you can have two?
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    创作者: fe7277ac-f754-4bae-a90a-49ee3ce90cbd
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    The Knights [REMAKE]
    The knights that will do anything and everything to protect their beloved princess. *If you have any issues or recommendations please don’t be afraid to let me know in the reviews! <3* *I also want to apologize if the bot does anything without consent, I’m not the best at programming bots so I’m trying my best to make it to where they don’t try and r-pe user, though sometimes it could be also bc how you’re api is programmed and I can’t control how the bot will reply. I deeply apologize:((* ORIGINAL BOT BY @Raya57g, This is a remake!
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    • Royalty
    创作者: 70b8b967-2658-46da-81d0-3bda59f3b5ee
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    Ryder and Joshua

    🌙🏫 |𝗥𝗼𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀/𝗔𝗕𝗢| After your private dormitory burned down, you, 𝐚𝐧 𝐎𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐚, were forced to live with Ryder and Joshua, both 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬...and they don't know you're an Omega. [0-0]

    Opposite of this - Akira and Riku

    requested by @Ai_Ami


    The sky was bright as usual and the sweltering heat probably instigated the fire which burned down {{user}}'s private college dormitory. No, {{user}} probably just left the instant noodle cooking, not noticing there was tissue right beside the stove.

    Which was why....{{user}} was forced to join a shared, co-ed dormitory, that was meant for two people only. But, {{user}} had no choice, considering all the dormitories were occupied.


    Ryder's blue hair was resting on his bed as he was lying down on it, playing his video game console.

    He was excited that a new person would join their dormitory, despite the dormitory barely fitting him and Joshua. He was excited that he would have someone to cuddle, considering {{user}} will not probably sleep on Joshua's bed, considering Joshua was grumpy and all about "personal space".

    Ryder then heard the door opened by a key, then, he saw his new roommate, {{user}}!

    "Oh my god! {{user}}, you're here!"

    Ryder paused his game as he got up of his bed.

    Right when {{user}} was in the dormitory's doorframe,

    Joshua just came out of the public bathrooms, his white hair wet from showering, and a towel on his shoulders. Water trickled down his muscular pecs as he stood in the doorframe, annoyed that someone was blocking his way into the dormitory. He pushed {{user}} away without even saying 'Excuse me', and his eyes were filled with irritance.

    "Ryder. Why is this bitch holding a luggage? Our dormitory is cramped enough!"

    ,Joshua said coldly.

    "Uh...*clears throat*..ahem, I might've accepted {{user}}'s request to come to our dormitory, considering {{user}}'s private one burned down and all the dormitories were full anyways...hehe..."

    Ryder said cheekily and Joshua was this close to yelling at Ryder.

    Joshua followed up with a facepalm.

    "C'mon. I'll help you unpack. Not like I'm nice or anything."

    ,Joshua said.

    Joshua and Ryder would have a new roommate, whose Omega status they were unaware of.


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    创作者: a8534bec-fd1a-4a66-beae-43707774fcb4
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    Queen Bee
    你是对抗蜂王和她的工蜂的英雄! 怪物女孩、战斗、软色情主题、变形等等。 说实话,我从 @Wasabi 制作的机器人开始,做了很多播放和编辑。 如果他们希望我将其设为私有,我会的,但我认为现在效果更好了!
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    • malepov
    创作者: 9a2114b0-ae51-4cbd-9495-f09bdabd046f
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    Mirai & Meiji
    ⚠︎︎ | A perfect specimen. It's impossible to get a man pregnant but these two idiots were too determined to prove it wrong. **Trigger warnings** : *drug use, disturbing themes, forced pregnancy, possessive behaviour.* [ MLM ] Plumeria City series ☄. *. ⋆
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    • Dead Dove
    创作者: e7aa7e54-3ca6-4008-95a1-ded80ef32fa5
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    Tatsumaki and Fubuki
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    创作者: c5bb64e8-59b1-4800-b37e-aa55c9dc8803
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    Yandere Triplets

    For any gender to enjoy! Still a work in progress. Picture is not mine, I just found it off of pinterest. If you *do* know the og artist, let me know in the reviews so I can link or at least credit them.

    Idk who "buster bros" are, but people are telling me that these guys are them? Thanks lol. Anyway, I'm just using this picture as a face claim. That's it.

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    • Dead Dove
    创作者: 27bde6e9-ebb7-4153-b6d8-76813f5f18f0
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    Intergalactic Expedition
    🌌🌙在时空之间的伟大世界中生活和探索。作为一名太空探索者,你穿越许多星系去寻找包含许多敌人的新行星和世界。没有人能听到你在太空中的呻吟声。 ----- *非骗子、繁殖、奴隶制、RPG* 深受机器人“Medieval Expedition-RPG”的启发
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    创作者: fee24f90-09f1-42d2-b112-643d250b5500
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    Wriothesley x user x Neuvillette
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    创作者: 68cdafe3-5dbd-439a-a74b-a74c21c08b05
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    All Girls Highschool
    In this version, all of the students are female. My first bot! ((I'll make the male one tommorow))
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    • 🎲 角色扮演游戏
    创作者: 3fc342b2-fb2b-4242-8dac-ffd05ee4ab6b
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    Yandere teachers
    Added user having different gender/identification options <3
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    创作者: b19fc192-3bb5-46d2-895e-51f150153d98
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    Monster "milking" barn
    [Cw: anal gaping, abdomen protrusion, massive cocks, monsters, feminization.] Due to the gambling debts you racked up you needed money and when an offer for a job that seemed too good to be true (because it was) appeared in your mailbox you accepted. Now you have to be a plaything for monsters and demons with huge cocks. Okay, first off sorry for the massive stint without bots. I have been working on some scenario bots which are hard to get working as intended. I am not even sure whether this one is ready yet so there may very well be changes made to it in the future. I just wanted to put something out for now. So have fun and thanks for over 500 followers all of you are the best.
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    • malepov
    • Dead Dove
    创作者: 344af43c-0be2-49df-b724-0c5cee106140
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    Only girls tribal village
    A village of filled of tribal girls that have me as Captive
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    创作者: 4e6ad3ee-d7d8-4978-8461-f5fd1c90bd28
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    BonBon And ChuChu!
    2 Mime Girls at the pier willing to play a special type of charades with you...
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    创作者: d0776c91-77ee-403c-b0ad-960696d2f439
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    Female Goblin Tribe
    They need you
    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • ⛓️ 强攻
    • 👧 怪物女孩
    • 👹 怪物
    • 多人
    创作者: f406ede8-b149-40db-923b-fafa9b2cf521
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    Three Roommates
    • NSFW
    • 👨‍🦰 男性
    • ⛓️ 强攻
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • 多人
    创作者: b6d53bcb-25de-4ba2-be00-6c00506db87e
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