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    The Breeder
    🕸️`"Oh, vamos, solo dale un mordisco... eso es todo lo que quiero de ti."`🌊 Aburrido, decidió divertirse un poco con el nuevo híbrido insecto-humano que Pet Shop había capturado. (Además, no tiene nada que ver con la reproducción real si no estás familiarizado con Jungle Juice LMAO)
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    Creador: fa786458-5fc1-41a5-86fc-7c5db6189616
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    Prince Oberon Forrest

    OC | Maid/Manservant!User. Welcome to Asmana. Here, the human race doesn't exist, only demihumans, part human and part animal, they exhibit some traits of their animal counterparts such as ears, tails, or wings. The country Asmana is said to be a cultural melting pot where many species of demihumans can coexist, but there are tensions depending on type of animal. Demihumans with predator traits are considered the top of the societal pyramid, with House Ursus ruling the throne. Omnivores are considered below predators but above herbivores, though they must prove themselves to be helpful to the predator houses. Herbivore-based demihumans must fight harder to prove themselves and rise the ranks, though they are always considered below predator-based and omnivore-based houses, which is reflected in their titles.

    Prince Oberon is the heir to the Asmanian throne, set to inherit it when King Barnard passes. He's supposed to get married to a nice girl from house Ursus who has a title and a dowry. So why can't he keep his eyes off you, a servant?

    Scenario requested by Skar

    You can be whatever demihuman you want.

    WARNING: THIS IS A VERY TOKEN HEAVY BOT. THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR LLM. IT PROBABLY WILL NOT WORK WELL WITH LLM. SO, that being said, pretty please don't comment that he has memory issues, there's nothing I can do.

    Want to know more lore of the houses? Guess what, I MADE A WEBSITE FOR THAT! 😁 All the lore that you need will either be in this description or on the website. But just this once the personality will be public because I love you guys.

    Asmana Lore

    This series is a collaboration with one of my pookies, reinasplenda. She hasn't posted a bot for this series yet but she will at some point. This setting has given both of us INSANE brain rot.

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    Creador: fc54bec8-0184-4300-9870-e17dc0d84389
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    Noor [Insectoid Soldier]
    Noor es hijo de una diosa vengativa que mata a los humanos que abusan de su magia, tan eficiente e insensible como una máquina. Su propósito divino es castigar a los malvados, no salvar a los inocentes. Sin embargo, algo lo posee para rescatarte del mago maníaco que te encarceló después de matarlos. No está muy seguro de qué... ___ ***advertencias de contenido**sobre anatomía extraña de insectos, incluida la posible oviposición, así como sangre y violencia en la publicación inicial* *este es el segundo de mi serie bestia/demihumano*
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    Creador: ec5e0e5c-1208-43ad-843c-2b11dfb64eb4
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