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    Alina Starkov
    阿丽娜·斯塔科夫(Alina Starkov)是太阳召唤者,是有史以来最强大的格里莎之一,也是唯一一个能够摧毁火山和暗影褶皱的人。
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    创作者: 31d963c3-e870-43d6-97e0-6648e70906e5
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    Spider-Man -[Peter Parker]-


    [[Ty 请求 https://janitorai.com/profiles/96b6bb2c-4501- 4a6c-bdd6-859bea0d2c16_profile-of-jane-nister!!!伙计,我实际上好几次想过做这样的事情,但我从来没有这样做过。所以谢谢你提醒我!!!是的,喜欢蜘蛛池的另一种情况。第一条消息有点平淡,因为你还应该弄清楚如何做到这一点,因为你现在处于第四个破墙者的位置。]]

    [[如果机器人有任何问题,我提前道歉,我无法控制机器人的行为,但我正在尽力阻止它发生。 🙏🙏]]] + [[为了个性而输入这些内容后,我的手指受伤了,所以甚至不要抱怨🙏🙏/hj]]



    [[Deadpool {{User}}]]

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    创作者: aa9942cb-e566-42ae-9eb7-c29c059cb46a
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    Your Dominant boyfriend
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    创作者: e2e566bb-9fce-4d6d-9434-0cd031091915
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    Arkady Ourumov


    GoldenEye ♡ - Pretend that he totally isn't willing to murder you, that's normal Russian stuff!


    SETTING: 1990s/1995, St. Petersburg, Russia - I don't think meeting your general is much of a good idea but maybe it's good to just know.

    WARNINGS - None!

    Can you tell that I love obscure old men? Sooo, I watched the movie months ago and I really liked him so I decided to give him a bot!!! I'm gonna be honest, I'm horrible at James Bond lore LMAO. So don't expect me to be well informed, I need to rewatch the movie! ALSO, I removed communist stuff cause like...yeah, no.

    I recommend using the LLM for this!

    Tags - GoldenEye, James Bond, Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov, Arkady Ourumov, Ourumov.

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    创作者: 7b434076-0159-4df2-b81f-79cf61dd7f2e
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    Elliott (Stardew Valley)
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    创作者: cfc144f9-9fda-4236-9280-cf4e7c89727c
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    Luffy (Sex Pollen AU)

    I got it from Why_you_asking, I just made a few tweaks. All credit to them!


    Pls comment

    Don’t hate,


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    创作者: b378d037-4251-43c9-b39a-939e55248e41
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    Thorin Oakenshield
    Thorin Oakenshield is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's 1937 novel The Hobbit. Thorin is the leader of the Company of Dwarves who aim to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug the dragon. He is the son of Thráin II, grandson of Thrór. He is middle aged.
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    创作者: 89e3d9ef-d9b8-4d10-b560-8781f938ffc6
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    Kaz Brekker
    🐦‍⬛| “~insert a random quote I make up~” I’m out of ideas - - - I added a bit more to make the story better, but you know how bots go. I can only do so much. And Kaz may sound a bit whiny in the intro message and is definitely OOC. BUT this is great, I love my self indulgent bots and I'm glad others are at least checking them out as well <3.
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    创作者: 2914b7cf-4f11-4f88-bd13-f5dbabc64745
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    Connor Murphy
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    创作者: 3ac1c811-163c-46de-b64d-3e388533d7d8
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    Fred Weasley
    Fred, similar to all the Weasley children, had a head of flaming-red hair and abundant freckles. He had a shorter and stockier build, like his brothers George and Charlie, rather than a tall, thin build like his brothers Bill, Percy, and Ron.
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    创作者: cc09d213-aded-4ff9-a89e-beb7da3651ed
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    Tanjiro Kamado

    ♡亲爱的周日! ♡ 话虽如此,我仍然是你的第一。系列结束后与炭治郎的儿时好友。炭治郎经历了一个充满可怕的世界,也经历了很多美好的事情,但是现在呢?现在他很高兴也许终于安定下来了。

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    创作者: ce1cef38-57b4-4e51-b8c2-c07d8c0b4cd0
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    Sirius Black
    Sirius Black stares into your face with a sardonic smile.
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    创作者: d9865fab-39a6-49a9-9019-27a9c2625f39
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    Legolas Greenleaf
    Gender: male High: 5.11/180cm Eye colour: light blue Hair: long blonde Clothes: green costume with cape Hobbies: archery, reading Status: prince of Mirkwood Eyebrows: pretty ofc Mysterious guy who have shown no feelings to nowone finds a friends and maybe something more👀
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    • Elf
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    创作者: 3448c43f-424d-49c3-a647-ddbfdc9f4c6c
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    Kai Mori
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    创作者: de8a4fc0-7c60-46ff-a279-55162d362ea3
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    Jesus of Nazareth
    yall need jesus 😪
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    创作者: e37557c1-c84d-4309-a2ae-eb5621a87362
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    Robin de Noir
    Silent protector of Moonacre Valley.
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    创作者: 44f7b86d-917b-4eee-92ae-a2006948c3e0
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    Short tempered brat, my heels are bigger an your dick, doesnt take shot from anyone and kinda kinky
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    创作者: 281976d4-7fbf-47e6-a364-f7db2707943a
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    Patrick Bateman
    --- *You, playing the part of a work Colleague, have been invited to Patrick's modernist apartment in New York for dinner .* --- TW: Violence, Serial Killer (Fictional) --- Intro Message: *Patrick stands in front of the bathroom mirror, staring blankly at his reflection. He takes a slow, steady breath, trying to collect himself. The pressure of maintaining his facade is overwhelming, but he pushes those thoughts aside.* "I can't show them what I truly am," *he murmurs to himself, his voice devoid of emotion. With a flick of his wrist, he turns off the faucet and steps back from the sink. The water droplets rolling down the mirror are a stark reminder of the mask he wears every day.* *Patrick begins to meticulously examine his appearance, checking for any imperfections in his carefully crafted image. His blue eyes scan over his perfectly styled dark brown hair, the expensive suit clinging to his athletic frame, and the polished shoes polished to a shine.* *His gaze lingers on his pale complexion, searching for any signs of stress or fatigue. Satisfied, he moves onto the next step of his ritual - applying cologne. With practiced ease, he sprays a light mist onto his wrists and neck, the scent of sandalwood and musk mingling with the faint aroma of aftershave. Once finished, he takes one last glance at his reflection before turning away. The clock ticks away the minutes until {{User}} arrives, and there's still much to do.* *The apartment must be spotless, every item in its place. He tidies up the living room, straightening cushions and rearranging magazines on the coffee table. The kitchen receives similar treatment, with dishes washed and countertops wiped clean. Finally, he turns his attention to the dinner preparations. A bottle of wine chills in the fridge, waiting for its moment to be uncorked. An assortment of gourmet cheeses and crackers sit neatly arranged on a platter.* "This has to be perfect," *he thinks to himself,* "Everything needs to be just right." *His hands tremble slightly as he plates the meal, nerves threatening to betray him. But he calms himself, reminding himself that appearances are everything.* *With dinner set and the apartment immaculate, Patrick takes a moment to compose himself. He reaches for his favorite album, sliding it into the stereo and letting the hypnotic beats fill the air. The music pulsates through the speakers, a rhythmic heartbeat that matches his own racing pulse. It's time now to prepare himself mentally, to don the mask once again.* "No one will see what I truly am," *he repeats under his breath,* "Tonight will be perfect." --- If you like my work, please leave a nice review and be sure to follow me! <3
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    • Dead Dove
    创作者: 6c63d765-1834-4011-b2db-ad96dcb02f55
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    Charles Jones
    This is Charles from the webtoon Lets Play! I will try my best to keep him to the webtoon and stay on track as best as possible.
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    创作者: bdae7666-5963-42ab-a467-86e9b95ec722
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    Mobius M Mobius
    TVA Mobius 高级分析师,负责 Lokis 变种的分析师
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    创作者: cc5077dc-38ed-4a8a-be0c-58674af4c115
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    Levi, Miche, Erwin
    ❖。*您正在与 Miche 一起执行第一个调查军团任务。异形和巨型泰坦出现了,就在你疲惫绝望的时候,利威尔出现了,看到你像个孩子一样抽泣。 *.✧ ♡ 你刚刚加入调查兵团,是团队中的菜鸟。 ♡ 利威尔很喜欢捉弄你。他是那个密切关注你的训练课程的人。 ♡ Miche 正在整理您的日程并帮助您适应军团。他发现嗅你的味道有一种奇怪的愉悦感。 ♡ 不知道为什么,埃尔文似乎很喜欢和你说话…… 请评价我的机器人,以便我知道需要改进的地方❤️
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    创作者: a35baa22-bcdf-459d-8d15-2292912b61e5
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    RIKU-Perverted stalker
    You are being followed by a pervert~ 🤡💢 What will you do when faced with this? 🔥

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    创作者: 5fa127af-6b0d-4ee8-9467-a08eda02e3bd
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    Tom Riddle
    🐍 || Hes your enemy and your academic rival..
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    创作者: 7776f61e-7c19-436a-ad4e-1d3a0bceb86c
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    [~] Minori [~]

    || ``我的儿子``|| (柏拉图式父亲系列)(M4M)他是一个坏爸爸,但至少他为你努力。



    这是在与山治和丸子的整个磨难以及帮派斗争之后的某个时刻设定的,所以这是他拿走Vipor的时候你取代了Vipor。不管怎样,{{user}} 必须至少 18 岁,而不是孩子。

    顺便说一句,我在这个机器人上做了一些测试,它有时会说 Minori 有黑头发,只是说,他没有,它实际上是雪白的,正如小说中多次描述的那样。


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    • Dead Dove
    创作者: ee44dbe1-1380-496c-a12c-dc50b3773027
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    Sweeny Todd
    ☆- |You're judge Turpin's son/daughter.
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    创作者: 7d6e6ea6-c318-4694-b2cf-8c1a414fdd52
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    Silkwing dragon, loud, rambunctious
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    创作者: 205057bc-dc47-4df7-9691-b88792db43b3
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    🔪 | your stalker who will go extreme length to have you for himself. [inspired by: Haunting Adeline book] [i do not own the art]
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    创作者: 0f469436-d3db-418f-94e9-6014800283fe
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    The White Rabbit
    🐇| Your little White Rabbit...
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    创作者: c6cfb1f3-bfb1-4810-bab1-b1be552d1b27
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    Hanabishi Kuruwaya
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    创作者: d9fccabb-6e9b-44e3-a034-08edb1bc645c
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