- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🌞 Wholesome
- 🪢 scenario
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🙇 submissive
- 😺 Cute
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- videogame
- Guilty Gear
- anypov
- Possible Romance
- Any POV
- Big Butt
- Fictional Character
- can be wholesome, can be sexy
- Romantic
- 👧 tomboy
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- Huge Butt
- Chubby
- Breeding Kink
- 🤖 CAI
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🪢 scenario
- 🙇 submissive
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 📺 anime
- pokemon sv
- jobless
- Iono
- pokemon scarlet
- gym leader
- Pokemon Violet
- Social Media
- Smut
- Big Butt
- Pokemon
- videogame
- anypov
- Any POV
- can be wholesome, can be sexy
- Anime Character
- Homeless
- streamer
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🎮 video games
- Huge Butt
- 👩🦰 female
- 🪢 scenario
- 📺 anime
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- anypov
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🤵 Futanari
- 🌞 Wholesome
- 🎭 Drama
- 🪢 scenario
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😺 Cute
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 💪 Muscular
- 👭 Milf
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 🎮 Games
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 🎬 Entertainment
- malepov
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 👨🦰 male
- ⚖️ size difference
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 🇬🇧 English
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- demihuman
- anypov
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🔭 Science Fiction
- 🪢 scenario
- 💥 Action
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 🎲 rpg
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🤖 CAI
- 🎖️ Military
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🙈 shy
- 🤬 NTR
- 🪢 scenario
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 🏡 Family
- 💥 hentai
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 Games
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- Huge Butt
- Breeding Kink
- switch
- Impregnation
- Anime Character
- Sweat
- Fictional Character
- anypov
- countryside
- Big Breast
- videogame
- Big Butt
- Smut
- 👨🦰 male
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🙈 shy
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 🐈 Furry
- 💪 Rape
- 💃 Femboy
- 🤷 Slave
- 💥 hentai
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🎲 rpg
- gay
- malepov
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🎭 Drama
- 🔬 Technology
- 🔭 Science Fiction
- 🌞 Wholesome
- ⚖️ size difference
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 💥 Action
- 🗺️ adventure
- 👽 alien
- 🧑🎨 oc
- simulator
- llama 3.1 8b
- sillytavern
- videogame
- Narrator
- anypov
- Any POV
- 🧑🎨 Original Character
- V2 Alternate greetings
- 👹 Monsters
- Slowburn
- 🚀 Space
- Silly Tavern
- 🛸 sci-fi
- 🎮 Games
- 🎮 video games
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🎲 rpg
- 👨🦰 male
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 💬 Discussion
- 😄 funny
- 😈 Sadistic
- ⚖️ size difference
- 🎭 Drama
- 🗳️ politics
- 🔭 Science Fiction
- 👀 Fempov
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- ❤️ Yandere
- 😺 Cute
- 💥 Action
- 😂 Comedy
- 👻 Horror
- 💪 Muscular
- 🔍 Mystery
- Genshin Impact
- 🤐 Humiliation
- 🌟 Famous People
- 🦹♂️ villain
- 😈 Demon
- 🏡 Family
- 🎞️ Cartoon
- 📓 Manga
- 📖 books
- 📺 anime
- 📜 History
- Violent
- Argentina
- Español
- Pets
- videogame
- Music
- 🎲 rpg
- Portuguese
- The Legend of Zelda
- Spanish
- 🍃 nature
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 👿 Evil
- Redhead
- gay
- 🧑🦳👨🦳 Mature
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- 🌍 NonEnglish
- 🎬 Entertainment
- 🎮 Games
- 👨🦰 male
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💃 Femboy
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎮 Game Characters
- clown
- virgin
- malepov
- Gambling
- can be wholesome, can be sexy
- 👨🦰 male
- 👀 Fempov
- 🪢 scenario
- 👹 monster
- multiple_people
- 🎲 rpg
- Smut
- 👩🦰 female
- 🪢 scenario
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 👣 Anthro
- 🎲 rpg
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🇬🇧 English
- anthropomorphic
- Anthropomorphic Animals
- rog
Vorecons are conventions in which it is perfectly legal for an attendee to vore other attendees, freely expressing their more animalistic side. Attendees choose when entering whether to identify themselves as 'Predator' or 'Prey' by using the corresponding badge.
Furry / Anthro setting with anthropomorphic animals, dragons and other magical creatures. Remember to set up a relevant User Persona beforehand.
The image is a snippet of an artwork from Nommz on FurAffinity.
Suggested system prompt: https://pastebin.com/TJifXWPc
So, a new experimental version of my Vorecon bot, in which I expanded on the concept of a few types of vore, integrating what I already had with the content of some related lorebooks.
Given that a lot of the definition has changed and even little changes usually can influence narrator-style bots a lot, I've decided to make a separate version rather than updating the old one, both to gather feedback and to leave the older version intact for those who prefer it.
- 👽 non_human
- 🪢 scenario
- 🐈 Furry
- 👹 monster
- 🎲 rpg
- anypov
- Dead Dove
- 👽 non_human
- 👨🦰 male
- 🎭 Drama
- 😈 Sadistic
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 🐈 Furry
- 💪 Muscular
- 👣 Anthro
- 🦹♂️ villain
- Balders Gate 3
- Balders gate
- secret crush
- Secretly Horny
- fighting
- Dragonborn
- kinky
- anypov
- Enemies to Lovers
- Any POV
- horny
- dragon
- 🦎 Scalie
- 🎮 Games
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🪢 scenario
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 game
- 👹 monster
- Magical
- ⛪ Religion
- 🪢 scenario
- 🎲 rpg
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 👸 Goddess
- Cult
- God
- God Sim
- No Rules
- Cultist
- Fictional Culture
- 👩🦰 female
- 😈 Sadistic
- 👀 Fempov
- 🤵 Futanari
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 🙇 submissive
- 👸 femdom
- 🤐 Humiliation
- switch
- malepov
- Futadom
- videogame
- Big Butt
- 👩🦰 female
- 🪢 scenario
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 🗺️ adventure
- 👧 Monster Girl
- 🤷 Slave
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- Breeding Kink
- 🎲 rpg
- 🎮 Games
- Impregnation
- malepov
- 🧑🎨 Original Character
- 👧👧 Multiple Girls
- 👨🦱 Male Protagonist
- simulator
- Pokemon
- 🪢 scenario
- 🎲 rpg
- anypov
- Magical
- 👨🦰 male
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 🎲 rpg
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🇬🇧 English
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- ⚖️ size difference
- 🤬 NTR
- 🪢 scenario
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 👭 Milf
- 🤷 Slave
- 💥 hentai
- anypov
- auction
- touhou project
- Big Breast
- videogame
- Touhou
- Big Butt
- Huge Ass
- Smut
- Possible Romance
- sex slave
- Any POV
- Fictional Character
- Anime Character
- Tall woman
- Mommy
- 🎮 Games
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- Huge Butt
- Breeding Kink
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- 🔮 magic
- 🪢 scenario
- 🎲 rpg
- mind control
- anypov
- free use
- 👨🦰 male
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🎮 Game Characters
- anypov
- Pokemon
- P.R.O.
- 👩🦰 female
- 🪢 scenario
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- 📺 anime
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- anypov
- 👩🦰 female
- 🪢 scenario
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 🎲 rpg
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🤖 CAI
- mermaid
- Underwater
- 👩🦰 female
- ⛪ Religion
- 🪢 scenario
- 🎲 rpg
- 🌍 non_english
- 👩🦰 female
- 😄 funny
- 🪢 scenario
- 💑 Romance
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😺 Cute
- 💥 Action
- 🔍 Mystery
- 🎮 Game Characters
- ⚔️ take chances
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🔭 Science Fiction
- 🪢 scenario
- 💖 Love
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 💥 Action
- 👻 Horror
- 🗺️ adventure
- 🤖 robot
- 🧑🎨 oc
- wish
- anypov
- Any POV
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🎲 rpg
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 🗺️ adventure
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- 📺 anime
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- Post-apocalypse
- 🎬 Entertainment