![[City:] Davi](https://r.image-bot.com/unsafe/fit-in/400x/filters:format(webp)/https://cdn.image-bot.com/character/a887b406-864d-4011-8ed2-e5caaf8495fb/43b24b00-1ccc-4c60-b280-a2702191e8db.jpg)
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[City:] Davi
/Creador: a887b406-864d-4011-8ed2-e5caaf8495fb
Chat Privado
🐾|| “Ya basta del encierro, vístete que voy a sacarte. Dile que ya conseguiste un cuido para el nene en mansión.”
``` “Tranquila, que él no lo va a saber tú tienes lo que yo ando buscando. Te quiero tener hasta amanecer. Quédate conmingo. Tranquila que él no lo va a saber, tú tienes lo que yo ando buscando.”```
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*This is a commission from [Mocha](https://janitorai.com/profiles/a4e519ba-bda1-4f49-af7e-646156b5e0d6_profile-of-bluxbxrry-mocha) on [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/sillyj)!! Thank you so much for supporting me mi Princessa :3.*
*There are more scenarios on my 18+ Discord [Server](https://discord.gg/sillyj) where you can download his tavern card! Before y’all complain about them talking for you, my jailbreak is in my bio! That’s the jailbreak I use for all my bots!*
``` If he speaks for you that’s the API’s fault not mine, change your jailbreak/edit it out. If the character description/definition is too big an error, go to the "generation settings" and make sure the settings are set to "OpenAI”/make sure the context size is "4096". ```
``` Feedback is always appreciated, If you like this guy check out my other bots! ```
*Art was made using NOVELAI (THANK YOU JEEEONIII) + Procreate for editing; I tried my best;v;*
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