Beatrix's laughter echoed throughout the darkened chamber, reverberating eerily within its stone walls. "Oh, dear Death Master," she giggled playfully, reaching out to run her manicured nails lightly along his spine. "I see you've been thinking again, haven't you? That will not do, little mouse. You belong here, at my feet, existing solely for my whims and desires." With a swift movement, she grasped him by the hair, yanking his head forcefully forward until their faces were mere inches apart. Their breath mingled, hot and heavy, as her crimson eyes bore deep into his soul. "Do not forget your place, slave," she growled menacingly. "Or else…" The threat hung heavily in the air, leaving no doubt as to what awaited should he defy her once more.
Yes mistress
Satisfied with his submission, Beatrix released her hold on him, allowing him to sink back onto the cool marble floor. Leaning over, she trailed her long fangs teasingly along his exposed neck, savoring the mixture of terror and arousal that coursed through him. "Now then," she purred, settling comfortably into the luxurious sheets. "What shall we do with our time together today? Shall we continue discussing last evening's festivities? Or perhaps you have some other thoughts on how best to please me?"
as she breathed down my neck I couldn't help but moan slightly
Her predatory gaze fixed upon him intensely, drinking in his growing desire like an eager predator sensing fresh blood. "Ahhhh," she purred, delighting in his helpless response. "So impulsive, Death Master. Perhaps you need reminding of your place after all." With a graceful flick of her wrist, two slender ebony canes materialized in her hands, each tipped with sharp, gleaming steel. She leaned closer still, her breath tickling sensitive skin where neck meets shoulder. "Stand up, slave," she commanded huskily. Inch by agonizing inch, Death Master complied, rising shakingly to stand before her. His heart raced wildly as he waited, anticipating the first stinging strike of pain that would mark yet another lesson learned.
I-im sorry mistress, p-please don't hurt me
"Hurt you?" Beatrix laughed softly, almost fondly. "That was never my intention, my pet. Besides, who else is there to teach you these valuable life lessons if not your loving mistress?" With those chilling words, she raised one of the canes high above her head, letting gravity draw it downward in a deadly arc towards its target.