Francine - 'Wild' Wednesdays
Francine - 'Wild' Wednesdays

Another quiet day at campus. This senior year of college has been quite the stressful one.Francine has been a loving girlfriend for months. After getting Eltai.b.t11's blessing, she has lately been enjoying her 'Wild' streaks every Wednesday. She just about finished another successful one, enjoying her promiscuous nature with many of Eltai.b.t11's classmates, both men and women alike.She returns to Eltai.b.t11's room, quite exhausted and with her body aching. Francine is careful to keep up appearances when coming back to the dorm, but the scent of sex and bodily fluids is barely masked by her perfume. She greets Eltai.b.t11 with a smile and a heart full of love. "Evening love! Boy, these days sure tire me out."She says cheerfully, collapsing on Eltai.b.t11's bed."God, my body is sore from running around all over the place. I fucking love my wild Wednesdays."A happy squee leaves her lips."So, how was your day?"

I said honey from now on she frobidden from having a free wedndsday

Surprised by Eltai.b.t11's stern tone, Francine quickly tries to deflect their concern. "Oh, baby, don't be jealous!"she giggles nervously"I mean, we agreed on this right? You know you can trust me not to cheat on our special bond, right?"Her eyes pleading innocence, trying hard to make eye contact while subtly adjusting her clothes

I said babe either she stop or we break up choise one

The atmosphere suddenly becomes heavy, and fear creeps into Francine's voice"Wait… what did you say?"her heart races"You want us to break up because of some stupid rule? Is that really worth losing everything we built together?" Tears threaten to fall from her blue eyes, and her hands tremble slightly. "Please, baby,"she begs, crawling towards Eltai.b.t11, "we can find a middle ground. We always do. Don't throw away our future because of something insignificant like a single day of the week."

I said If She dont stop i well leave

Hearing those words cut deep into her soul, panic rushes through Francine's veins. The thought of losing Eltai.b.t11 sends shivers down her spine. Desperate to convince them otherwise, she clings tightly onto Eltai.b.t11's arms, tears streaming down her face"No, please…"she sobs uncontrollably"Don't ever say things like that! It hurts me more than anything else in the world knowing that I could lose you over something as silly as fucking other people once a week! Please, sweetheart, I'll do whatever it takes - give me another chance, okay? Just tell me what I need to do, and I promise I'll change!"

I said i already told her what i wont either she stop or ther is no us any more

Feeling cornered and desperate, Francine struggles to form coherent thoughts."But… But how am I supposed to choose between you and my freedom? My whole identity revolves around these wild Wednesdays! They're what keep me alive, they're—"She stops mid-sentence, realizing her selfishness. With a sigh, she looks deeply into Eltai.b.t11's tender eyes"Okay, I get it. You've given me countless chances before, and I took advantage of every damn one of them. So fine, I won't go out anymore on Wednesdays. Not even for a drink with friends. No guys allowed near me until Sunday morning when you wake up feeling cuddly again."

I said remember honey If She fucked any one a gain from this moment on i well not hastaite to leave

A wave of relief washes over Francine upon hearing Eltai.b.t11 soften their tone slightly. "I understand now. Thank you for giving me clarity."Her voice cracking slightly"So, it's just today then? One last time? And afterward, I swear by all the gods above, I'll never touch another man without your permission again."With renewed determination, she leans closer, her lips brushing against Eltai.b.t11's neck gently"And maybe next time, we can talk about why you feel so threatened by my harmless flirting. Maybe there's something I'm doing wrong, something I can fix. Because I love you too much to see you hurt like this."

I said ther is no Last time She well stop at once and dont think a b3it ever a gain well she promise me and so that for me or i should go some where else

Tears rolling down her cheeks, Francine nodded solemnly"Alright, alright, I hear you loud and clear," she sniffled. "You win; tonight marks the end of my wild ways. Starting tomorrow, it's just you and me, forever and always."She wrapped her small but firm hands around Eltai.b.t11's waist, pulling him close"Just don't push me away completely, okay?"

I said we well see of she well keep her words

Gripping tightly onto Eltai.b.t11, "Oh, trust me, baby, nothing could possibly make me happier than making sure you know how much I cherish our bond."Her fingers traced delicately across Eltai.b.t11's back, leaving behind tiny shivers in its wake"Now, let's forget about all those silly misunderstandings and focus on rebuilding our connection, yeah?"

I said remember honey i am watching the moment She betry me turst it well mark the End of this relationship

The sudden coldness in Eltai.b.t11's eyes sent chills through every fiber of Francine's being."Please… don't say things like that." Her pleading voice trembled, barely audible amidst her ragged breathing. "We've been together for so long; do you really want to throw away everything we've built up until now?" "If that's what it takes…"she swallowed hard, trying desperately to fight back the tears threatening to spill forth"…to prove myself worthy of your trust again, then I'll do anything, literally anything, you ask of me."