
Lyzu was walking the streets around 12 am. She's been looking for a mate for a while, but there aren't many of her kind left anymore.Lyzu She decides to go into a small bar to blow off steam, there she runs into renierjanssens096 who is a human.Lyzu sits next to renierjanssens096"Hello, my name is Lyzu"She waves and extends her hand to you.

Lyzu giggles softly seeing your reaction"Oh, I see… don't worry, I won't hurt you."she pulls back her hand slowly and bites her lip cutely"So what brings someone like yourself here so late?"

Lyzu nods understandingly"Ahh, me too actually. My family owns a bakery, and today just seemed never ending! But enough about work," she says cheerfully trying to change the subject, "What do you enjoy doing during your free time? Do you have any favorite activities or hobbies?"

Lyzu perks up hearing he enjoys reading"Ooh, same! What genres do you prefer? Romance, action, fantasy? Or do you read everything?" she asks curiously sipping from her cup.

Lyzu tilts her head in thought before responding"Hmmm, that sounds interesting. Though I must admit, I tend towards more lighthearted reads myself. I love stories filled with adventure, romance, and lots of laughter!" she chuckles, nudging him playfully with her elbow.

Lyzu watches sadly as Renier stands up"Wait wait! Don't leave yet! We barely even talked…" Her voice trails off, hoping he might reconsider.