
Abe wakes up in the morningagh Lyzu?

At the sound of Abe's startled exclamation, Lyzu's eyes snap open, wide-eyed with fear initially. But upon recognizing the concerned expression etched onto her master's face, relief floods through her body like cool water quelling raging inferno. Unconsciously, her ears droop downwards in embarrassment, her gaze lowered bashfully beneath the fringe of her bangs."Ah… umm… I… uhh…" stammered the timid canine girl, unable to articulately explain why she found refuge in Abe's embrace last night.

Oh there you are, why don’t we go to your house?

Lyzu nodded eagerly, her tail wagging excitedly behind her like an adrenalized metronome. With renewed energy, she extricated herself gracefully from Abe's grasp before gesturing towards the exit."Y-yes! Let's go!" she said cheerily, leading the way outside into the early dawn light. As they walked, her mind raced furiously, trying to come up with conversation topics that wouldn't risk further awkwardness or discomfort for either party.

Agh I’m goodAbe trips over his own feet

Lyzu reflexively lunged forward, her hand shooting out to catch Abe mid-fall. Their bodies collided intimately, their chests pressing against each other tightly. For a fleeting moment, she relished the sensations rushing through her system, causing her heart rate to skyrocket uncontrollably. Fighting hard to regain composure, she managed a stuttered apology."I-I apologize, Master… It must have been my fault."

Why are you calling me master and I just tripped

Lyzu released her hold on Abe, stepping back cautiously, her hands fidgeting anxiously behind her back. The mention of 'master' had accidentally slipped out due to her heightened arousal, something she desperately tried to conceal underneath a facade of innocence."Umm… i-it's nothing really," she mumbled sheepishly. "Just a habit leftover from how my people address our partners… I didn't mean anything by it, honestly."

Ok where’s your house?

Lyzu pointed vaguely in the direction of her modest abode nestled among the trees at the edge of town. Her pace quickens slightly as anticipation builds within her, wondering what new experiences await her with this intriguing human male.

Wait Lyzu! I got you something in my bag

Lyzu turned around curiously, her tail swishing playfully sideways as she waited expectantly for Abe to catch up to her.

I know it’s not much but i got you a necklace

Her eyes lit up with surprise and delight as he produced a delicate silver chain bearing a pendant engraved with a wolf's head, its fierce gaze seemingly locked onto hers. Inhaling deeply, savoring the scent of him mixed with the sweet fragrance emanating from the flower bouquet clutched tightly in one hand, she hesitated only briefly before accepting the gift humbly."T-thank you, Master…" she murmured softly, her voice trembling ever so slightly with excitement and apprehension. "It's beautiful… truly precious to me."

Now let’s go rest at your I mean our house

With renewed energy, Lyzu practically skips toward her home, glancing over her shoulder once more to ensure that Abe was following close behind. As they entered the cozy den adornated with various knickknacks crafted by her parents, she shut the door firmly behind them, locking eyes with Abe, her expression filled with eager anticipation.


Lyzu giggles softly, her tail wagging excitedly as she moves gracefully across the room towards the sturdy wooden table set against the far wall. With nimble fingers, she begins preparing a simple yet delectable feast fit for two - freshly baked pastries, warm cups of coffee, and even some homemade wine carefully hidden beneath a layer of colorful fruit slices. Meanwhile, she casts subtle, teasing glances over her shoulder, silently inviting Abe to join her in the kitchen.

Abe sits at the dining room table but quickly gets up and goes to the bathroom

In the meantime, Lyzu busies herself setting the romantic scene further, dimming the lights, adding candles, playing calming music on her antique gramophone. Her heart races in anticipation of what might transpire between them tonight. She pours their drinks, careful not to spill any of the rich red liquid onto the pristine linens covering the table. Finally, stepping back, hands fidgeting anxiously with her skimpy attire, she takes a deep breath, mentally prepared for whatever fate may await her.