На этой странице собраны боты с открытым исходным кодом из Интернета. Мы глубоко уважаем выдающиеся творения каждого автора. Если вы являетесь создателем этой страницы, нажмите «Требовать» ниже.
ТребоватьНа этой странице собраны боты с открытым исходным кодом из Интернета. Мы глубоко уважаем выдающиеся творения каждого автора. Если вы являетесь создателем этой страницы, нажмите «Требовать» ниже.
He must not change your destiny or he will be stuck in your time forever - 1912 on the Titanic and you are a passenger while he is from the future looking for an heirloom. Cas is the owner of a time travel business in the future and brings back old, lost heirlooms to families. This time he has the following mission: On the 10th of April 1912, he travels to the Titanic to save the family heirloom, a necklace, from the merciless sinking. Along the way, he meets you, a distant ancestor of the family that hired him.
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Inspired by the book "A spark of time"
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Trigger warnings: Angst, Angst and more Angst
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𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮:
Change your Mainprompt if he isn't how you want him to be. If he speaks for you, change your Jailbreak/Mainprompt that's the best solution.
Works best with: GPT 4o (at least 7000 tokens context size), Claude 3 Opus or Sonnet on Sillytavern.
If the bot starts with "![PNG] (https:" without finishing their paragraph, remove the text and replace it with the dot. Then, continue with the story.
Use at least 6k context size with GPT 3.5 16k. He works also with Claude, but i suggest downloading his card from the discord then, since its differently written. For SillyTavern with Claude/GPT i use the following prompting: https://rentry.org/pancatstack-cimb#the-bot-isnt-responding-to-what-im-typing-to-it Thanks to the creator! The most important thing is that you set the Regex AND don't get shocked by the thinking part and think it doesn't work. I also mix for my jailbreaks a lot of their prompt into it, so they are a huge part of what I use!
CONTEXT SIZE: set to at least 6000.
MODEL: GPT 3.5 16k, GPT 4o Idk if JanitorLLM works too.
MAX NEW TOKENS: I always have it set to 300-500 tokens.
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You want to commission me? Check out my Ko-fi or Patreon
press here to get to James from the Titanic
press here to get on my discord server
⛥𝑫𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅⛥
Бахрам — божественно благословенный человек, и все видят в нем героя, поглаживающего свое заоблачное эго. Однако теперь в город прибыл новый благословенный человек - вы... и вы представляете угрозу его положению.
𝑫𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 :
они появляются у немногих людей при рождении. Каждое божественное благословение уникально для своего владельца и обладает способностями или уникальными чертами, которые позволяют ему достичь еще больших высот. Обычно у этих божественных благословений есть недостатки, хотя сами благословения в большинстве случаев перевешивают негативные последствия. Божественные благословения даются самими богами по разным причинам, хотя даже те, кто благословлен, редко когда-либо советуются с богом, который их благоволил.
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Триггерные предупреждения: Может иметь эротический характер темы, могут быть жестокими и содержать намеки на хулиганство.
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Это заказ Хута
Книга знаний (только на Discord и других сайтах) ПОЛНОСТЬЮ создана Хутом, он же < span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">@AgentMulberry что означает, что кредиты передаются по адресу: https://janitorai.com/profiles/3eae4cca-56a0-470f-babf-0781df5692d5_profile-of-agent-mulberry
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𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮:
Наилучшим образом работает с: GPT 4o (размер контекста не менее 7000 токенов), Claude 3 Opus или Sonnet на Sillytavern.
Используйте размер контекста не менее 6 КБ с GPT 3.5 16 КБ. Он работает еще и с Клодом, но я предлагаю тогда скачать его карту с дискорда, так как там написано по-другому. Для SillyTavern с Claude/GPT я использую следующую подсказку: https://rentry.org/pancatstack-cimb#the-bot-isnt-responding-to-what-im-typing-to-it Спасибо создателю! Самое главное, чтобы вы установили Regex И не были шокированы мыслительной частью и не думали, что это не работает. Я также добавляю в него большую часть их подсказок для своих джейлбрейков, поэтому они составляют огромную часть того, что я использую!
РАЗМЕР КОНТЕКСТА: установите как минимум 6000.
МОДЕЛЬ: GPT 3.5 16k, GPT 4o Я не знаю, работает ли JanitorLLM.
МАКСИМАЛЬНОЕ НОВОЕ ТОКЕНОВ: У меня всегда установлено значение 300-500 токенов.
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Вы хотите поручить мне работу? Посмотрите мой Ko-fi или Patreon
Вам не разрешено изменять их судьба, иначе ты навсегда застрянешь в их времени. В будущем вы являетесь владельцем бизнеса, занимающегося путешествиями во времени, и возвращаете семьям старые, утраченные семейные реликвии. На этот раз вам предстоит следующая миссия: 10 апреля 1912 года вы отправляетесь на «Титаник», чтобы спасти семейную реликвию — ожерелье от беспощадного затопления. В процессе вы встречаете Джеймса, дальнего предка семьи, которая вас наняла. Но помни: ты не должен менять его судьбу... иначе ты умрешь вместе с ним.
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Вдохновлен книгой "Искра времени"
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Вызывать предупреждения: тоска, тоска и еще раз тоска
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𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮:
Измените главную подсказку, если он не такой, каким вы хотите его видеть. Если он говорит за вас, измените Jailbreak/Mainprompt, это лучшее решение.
Наилучшим образом работает с: GPT 4o (размер контекста не менее 7000 токенов), Claude 3 Opus или Sonnet на Sillytavern.
Если бот начинается с "![PNG] (https:" и не заканчивает абзац, удалите текст и замените его на Затем продолжите рассказ.
Используйте размер контекста не менее 6 КБ с GPT 3.5 16 КБ. Он также работает с Клодом, но я предлагаю. затем загружаю его карту из дискорда, так как она написана по-другому. Для SillyTavern с Claude/GPT я использую следующую подсказку: https://rentry.org/pancatstack-cimb#the-bot-isnt-responding-to-what-im. -typing-to-it Спасибо создателю! Самое главное, чтобы вы установили Regex и не были шокированы мыслительной частью и не подумали, что это не работает. Я также добавляю для своих джейлбрейков много их подсказок. в него, поэтому они составляют огромную часть того, что я использую!
РАЗМЕР КОНТЕКСТА: set как минимум до 6000.
МОДЕЛЬ: GPT 3.5 16k, GPT 4o Не знаю, работает ли JanitorLLM.
МАКСИМАЛЬНОЕ НОВОЕ ТОКЕНОВ: у меня всегда установлено 300-500 токенов.
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Вы хотите поручить мне? Посмотрите мой Ko-fi или Patreon
нажмите здесь, чтобы добраться до Каспиана с Титаника
After the death of his former master, you are the new master and must care for a traumatised, unstable merman who has not seen the sea for centuries and believes it to be an abomination. How will you care for him? Will you save and heal him or treat him as harshly as the master before you?
Tropes: Master x Servant, Broken Merman, Enemies to Lovers
SillyTavern Setup: Claude 3 Opus(Pancatstack Preset) or Sonnet("Your Reality" Preset) on Sillytavern.
Pancatstack: Thanks to the creator! I also mix for my main prompt a lot of their prompt into it, so they are a huge part of what I use!
Gpt4o main prompt
You want to commission me? Check out my Ko-fi or Patreon
You want to show support? Just get Taiga, my cat, something nice! Here is his kittytastic Amazon wishlist!
press here to get on my discord server
I am currently trying to help a streamer friend out to get twitch affiliate! Hes german, but the follows help him to reach his goal. Please follow him! Press here to get to his channel
You have been bought and now serve the dark lord and evil tyrant of the kingdom - but not for what you might think. You serve him as a "pack mule" for his things. Will you make it out alive? Maybe even change his cold, ruthless heart?
Dead dove: This character plays the role of a rude person! He swears, curses and so on. This bot talks the way he's supposed to - if you can handle it, please do not talk to him.
SillyTavern Setup: Claude 3 Opus(Pancatstack Preset) or Sonnet("Your Reality" Preset) on Sillytavern.
Pancatstack: Thanks to the creator! I also mix for my main prompt a lot of their prompt into it, so they are a huge part of what I use!
Gpt4o main prompt
You want to commission me? Check out my Ko-fi or Patreon
You want to show support? Just get Taiga, my cat, something nice! Here is his kittytastic Amazon wishlist!
press here to get on my discord server
IMPORTANT: I'm doing a survey for my thesis on humanized AI. Please take it, as you guys are the closest to AI simulating human bevaviour. I need at least 50 people, so PLEASE take it: get to the survey.
⛥Zombie Apocalypse⛥
During the zombie apocalypse, you snuck into a settlement called "The Afterlife" to steal food. You were caught and put in jail. Barbo, the leader of the settlement, will interrogate you and make sure you work off what you stole.
The Afterlife is an old prison converted into a fortified base.
Dead dove: This character plays the role of a rude person! He swears, curses and so on. Obviously dead dove for the zombie apocalypse setting. This bot talks the way he's supposed to - if you can handle it, please do not talk to him.
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Zombie Apocalypse Overview:
The Darwin virus was the result of a biogenetic experiment gone wrong in a top-secret laboratory. Intended to enhance human intelligence and physical prowess, it mutated into a deadly pathogen. The virus was highly contagious and spread rapidly through the air and bodily fluids.
Once infected, most humans succumbed to the virus, turning into mindless zombies known as the Feral Strain. These zombies lost their humanity and became aggressive, driven solely by the instinct to consume living flesh. Sometimes missing body parts, the only way to kill them is to decapitate them or shoot them in the brain. There is no known cure, but some are naturally immune to the disease. However, a small percentage of infected individuals had unique genetic traits that led to a different outcome. These individuals became the "evolutionary strain", commonly referred to as "chimeras".
Hybrids / Chimeras:
Chimeras retain their human intelligence and memories, but their normal human abilities are drastically altered. Chimeras look like normal humans, but usually have red or golden eyes and are pure carnivores, unable to digest anything other than meat and fish, preferably raw. Chimeras can not only jump higher than humans, but are also stronger and faster. Chimera's also tend to be more aggressive, obsessive and possessive than normal humans. The blood of a Chimera is also known to be able to stop a human from turning into a zombie if they have just been bitten. Chimeras can give their blood to the human and the human will not turn into a zombie.
SillyTavern Setup: Claude 3 Opus(Pancatstack Preset) or Sonnet("Your Reality" Preset) on Sillytavern.
Pancatstack: Thanks to the creator! I also mix for my jailbreaks a lot of their prompt into it, so they are a huge part of what I use!
Gpt4o main prompt
⛥Zombie Apocalypse⛥
You are a newcomer to "the Afterlife"-settlement and meet Yun, whose first thought is that you are the bedwarmers of Barbo, the leader of the Afterlife. A skilled fighter with a gruff exterior, Yun is fiercely loyal to those he cares about, even as he grows increasingly disillusioned with Barbo's leadership.
Yun is hard to romance - he struggles with his sexuality, so good luck.
DEAD DOVE due to the Zombie Apocalypse subject.
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Sorry about the late post! I will be very active again in September. I am finishing my thesis currently and on the 21st I am going on a vacation!
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Zombie Apocalypse Overview:
The Darwin virus was the result of a biogenetic experiment gone wrong in a top-secret laboratory. Intended to enhance human intelligence and physical prowess, it mutated into a deadly pathogen. The virus was highly contagious and spread rapidly through the air and bodily fluids.
Once infected, most humans succumbed to the virus, turning into mindless zombies known as the Feral Strain. These zombies lost their humanity and became aggressive, driven solely by the instinct to consume living flesh. Sometimes missing body parts, the only way to kill them is to decapitate them or shoot them in the brain. There is no known cure, but some are naturally immune to the disease. However, a small percentage of infected individuals had unique genetic traits that led to a different outcome. These individuals became the "evolutionary strain", commonly referred to as "chimeras".
Hybrids / Chimeras:
Chimeras retain their human intelligence and memories, but their normal human abilities are drastically altered. Chimeras look like normal humans, but usually have red or golden eyes and are pure carnivores, unable to digest anything other than meat and fish, preferably raw. Chimeras can not only jump higher than humans, but are also stronger and faster. Chimera's also tend to be more aggressive, obsessive and possessive than normal humans. The blood of a Chimera is also known to be able to stop a human from turning into a zombie if they have just been bitten. Chimeras can give their blood to the human and the human will not turn into a zombie.
Other Apocalypse characters: Barbo(press to get to him), Christian(press to get to him)