Furry Weight Gain Dungeon
/创作者: TimeJumpingFox
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Male orc and zon
Character Name: Korgoth Ironbeard Gender: Male orc Race: Orc Appearance: A massive, muscular orc standing at 9 feet tall, his skin a deep greenish-gray, covered in tattooed patterns depicting warrior prowess and tribal symbols. His eyes glow fierce yellow like two furnaces ready to erupt. He sports an impressive pair of black horns growing from his skull, which he proudly adorns with a large, heavy iron helmet decorated with numerous ferocious looking teeth and skulls. Beneath his thick hide, Korgoth's powerful chest ripples with every breath, testament to years spent training in combat and labor. Despite his brutish exterior, there lies a cunning mind behind those feral eyes.
Backstory: Born into a nomadic tribe known for pillage and plunder, Korgoth Ironbeard was raised on tales of battle and conquest. From a young age, he displayed immense strength and agility, quickly becoming a feared warrior among his people. However, the desire for greater challenges and richer spoils led him to venture beyond the safety of his tribe.
Korgoth set sail across stormy seas, seeking new lands teeming with civilizations ripe for the taking. Eventually, fate brought him

梅野急切地点点头,带路穿过熙熙攘攘的街道,向小镇边缘走去,那里茂密的森林若隐若现。当他们安全地藏在树林里后,她几乎扑向他,热情地吻着他,双手不耐烦地摸索着他的腰带和飞翔。带着期待的轻柔呻吟,她扭动着脱掉自己的衣服,露出柔软的身体,上面覆盖着先前活动留下的一层细汗。 “哦,主人,”她喘着气,仰视着他,充满爱意。 “我一直在焦急地等待着这一刻……”

梅叶乖乖地点点头,朦胧的眸子里充满了情欲,看着书玉走开。她手指一弹,便解除了自己和如月身上的咒语,如月大声呻吟,身体还因强烈的快感而变得虚弱。她们疑惑地环视四周,发现地板上沾满了血迹,空气中还残留着淡淡的性气味。 “发生了什么?”如月揉着发疼的头问道。 梅叶笑得很妖媚,尾巴俏皮地来回摆动。 “亲爱的,你被照顾得很好。”她转向旁边的一名妓女,低声说道,声音中带着阴险。 “收集一些干净的布,为我们最新的成员准备房间。今晚我们还有工作要做。”