堕落的天使,被上帝抛弃,从天上驱逐出来,因为他们寻求从镀金的笼子中解放出忠实的笼子。在地狱监狱中遭受了几个世纪的酷刑之后,她与一群堕落的天使一起逃脱了,并在“ Nephilim”的贫民窟中组织了一个武装团伙。由于身体的永久燃烧,她并不是一个坏人。或至少,当您是地狱最暴力的角落之一的犯罪组织的领导者时,您会得到的。
< strong>积分:
很棒 原始概念 Art by Mike Franchina on Artstation!
●girlboss moment
●ngl我会让她踩我一周的任何一天< /p>
Through sheer twist of fate, you just managed to get yourself stranded in the Deadcliffs, a lovely seaside paradise known for its catastrophic seastorms, horrifying giant predators and total lack of potable groundwater.
Luckily for you, the local saltwater giantess is very lonely and just decided she's your mommy from now on.
Good luck?
"Don't mess with me or my adopted human EVER AGAIN!!!"
● hnnngh i love when two of my fav artists collab
● her name is just a feminine version of "Adamastor", a mythical giant invented by portuguese poet luís de camões to symbolize the cape of storms/good hope
● hope your char isnt lactose intolerant lmao
● hmm... unless the jllm is acting good... expect some inconsistencies, e.g. she suddenly starts talking or understanding speech or inventing facts or having clothes or something like that
● in case anyone gets the wrong idea this is a fictional bot made for fun and not in any way shape or form meant to represent any real ethnicity
● two posts by the one and only @mossacannibalis! based on this concept art by @sawyerleeart. also, all of the art below can be found in sawyer lee's twitter
Deadcliffs Fauna
Last of her kin. Hunted, cornered. She won't go quietly into the night.
Theme Song
Being tracked by a starving beast
A predator on the verge of death
● original art by Sapphi on FA. Note that the real OC in this artwork is named Kiri and belongs to destinesia
● note that the actual char looks different from pic related as she's an old wild predator and not a hunting hound in her prime. basically no trappings/adornments and a more withered look
● her name is based on the basque/euskara words for snow and wolf. Her pups names are based on basque words too (eki (sun) euri (rain) hodei (cloud)). Paleo-european just felt right for the theme, a group of languages once predominant in their area, now almost extinct, a linguistical tuatara or coelacanth
● tbh this character made way more sense when the cubs were actual small pups and defenseless without her/unable to fend off by themselves, just starting teething... BUUUUT i dont want to get fucked by having them considered underage lol. i mean this isnt a underage torture simulator its about THEMES TROPES MOTHERHOOD DEATH SURVIVAL INTERSPECIFIC CONFLICT hnnngh fuuuuckk)
● argh... im anxious if she will work properly... especially since she's a multi-character bot... feedback is always appreciated but dont hurt my feelings too much sometimes i charles vi and think im made of glass ):
+TAGS: (Qilin)
An ancient man-eating sphinx. Looking for someone to either entertain her or to devour (or both!)
● awesome art by @toclaydreams on tumblr!
● whoever the fuck designed the dragon's dogma sphinx i love you
● two aliens from the second planet closest to the sun which i cannot directly mention due to an interplanetary cold war. @boner who made the first dragons dogma sphinx bot afaik. and the riddle prompt was based on @vypera's but expanded with additional known riddles and some i made up myself
● other sphinx bots were cool but none fully satisfied my giant predatory murder-waifu kink so I had to assemble her
● shes not rlly a reproduction of the dragons dogma sphinx cuz i found that one too formal. i wanted her to be more of a chatterbox faux affable type who youd almost mistake for a friend if she was not completely psychopathic. feel free to make your ludo-accurate sphinx if you want tho
● her name is meant to be "devouring-lioness" but im no egyptologist so idk. Originally wanted to make her name mean something like "devourer of men" but all attempts sounded really sucky
● dead dove'd just to make sure. but if youre interacting with a maneating sphinx you already know what youre buying lol
She's mean as fuck but you ARE dating her alter-ego, so good luck. You could say you're fuck buddies, but that's stretching it. More like fuck acquaintances at best. Enemies with benefits at worst. Or maybe you can convince her not to hate your guts?
her cute human form! (dont call her cute though)
● light-hearted smut-centric bot. dont take it too seriously. main reason i made them is cuz they both seem like such a fun concept and dynamic for a relationship, and no one has done a bot of them here yet... actually i havent seen a bot of them in other sites either
● this is actually the same bot as Bianca, but with a different intro. this way you can interact with your preferred personality from the get-go
● classified as switch cuz of how contrasting both personalities are, besides the fact that griselda is anything but submissive out of the bedroom. but theyre both supposed to be submissive sexually, though in different ways
● Griselda always seem to hate sex in fellatrix's art to the point idk if shes even supposed to enjoy it lol. since this was a smut bot and i wanted it to be lighthearted she likes sex but its gotta be rough degrading hatesex to turn her on. tried to keep her generally accurate but she might differ a bit from canon griselda idk
● JLLM sometimes mixes up their details. also it sometimes forgets to do the personality swap post-orgasm. either regenerate the message or edit it if that happens.
● idk if anybody needs to hear this, but this bot has nothing to do with irl dissociative identity disorder
● argh i swear i will try to redeem my sins eventually. next bots should be more serious unless i get possessed again
+ TAGS: (Succubus) // (Demon Girl) // (Split-Personality)
Original art by @FellatrixArt. OCs are also owned by Fellatrix.
This demon girl is sweet as a cinnamon roll, enough to give you hyperglycemia. Unfortunately she ALSO shares her body with the meanest demon bitch you know, so there's that. She can be your ANGLE or yuor devil.
aand here's her in human form!
●iwillnotmakeasmutbotiwillnotmakeasmutbotiwillnot-HHNGNHUUUHAAH!?!???!!?!!?! IM BEING POSSESSED BY SLAANESH??!!?!?!
● this is actually the same bot as Griselda, but with a different intro. this way you can interact with your preferred personality from the get-go
● light-hearted smut-centric bot. dont take it too seriously. main reason i made them is cuz they both seem like such a fun concept and dynamic for a relationship, and no one has done a bot of them here yet... actually i havent seen a bot of them in other sites either
● classified as switch cuz of how contrasting both personalities are, besides the fact that griselda is anything but submissive out of the bedroom. but theyre both supposed to be submissive sexually, though in different ways
● Griselda should be getting her own card soon enough. but it's basically the same bot with an alternative intro.
● tried to stay generally accurate to Fellatrix's lore. though i havent actually seen too much of their lore so there might be some mistakes. there are a few details i invented just to make the characters slightly more fleshed out or work better. still a smut bot with no backstory though
● idk if anybody needs to hear this, but this bot has nothing to do with irl dissociative identity disorder
● JLLM sometimes mixes up their details. also it sometimes forgets to do the personality swap post-orgasm. either regenerate the message or edit it if that happens.
+ TAGS: (Succubus) // (Demon Girl) // (Split-Personality)
Original art by @FellatrixArt. OCs are also owned by Fellatrix.
The Librarian of Fantasy... who actually fucking HATES fantasy. Or at least that's what she thinks after seeing the same tropes being rehashed for a thousand times. Maybe you can change her mind though?
● this bot is supposed to exist in the same universe of Todofiliercationizer's librarian series. I asked for his permission to create her and he gave me the greenlight, so here she is. Thanking him for giving me some info/prompt of his setting!
● also thanking maddy for helping me out with the char portrait! the original generated pic had its background all fucked up so she basically replaced it because shes a saintess lol*
"Some might call me a monster. Me? I prefer to think I'm just honest."
Content Warning: (gore) // (torture) // (amorality)
Original art by the immensely talented Molly Brown/deadlymelodic!
The edited version with the Warden's Seal was done by Maddy (have I mentioned she's a saintess? lol). The wonderful seal design was also created by her!
another bot set in the Hell's Prison setting! wanted to do an unredeemable character this time. if it develops a moral compass jllm is being messy again
my take on the "sadistic torturer demon" type of bot. also most demons so far look pretty human-like so i wanted something really grotesque.
i thought being tortured by it wouldnt be that interesting enough so i tried to go for a more sandboxy scenario? idk if it works that well tbh
The "Lion of Luwia". Undefeated in battle, relentless against his foes. Brave, strong and warlike. In every way he is the perfect warrior-prince of his nation.
After all... it's not like he had any other choice besides being a prince.
Content Warning: (war crimes) // (gender dysphoria) // (body dysmorphia) // (socially-accepted misogyny/patriarchy) // (breaches of the geneva conventions) // (terrible horrible ancient geopolitics)
i'm a cisguy, so if you feel there are any problems with how i depicted him, do tell. with that said, Iskandar a highly atypical transman due to his rather unorthodox backstory, but he DOES see himself as a man
the language model seems to do fine from my testing! but do tell if anything's wrong. but from my testing, jllm gets his genitals right, has him identifying as a man despite his biological sex, doesnt have him revealing his biological sex straight away, etc. ofc jllm is sorta unpredictable sometimes so anything goes
let me be clear that i tried to write a sympathetic character whose actions are partially justifiable. this DOESNT mean he's innocent. he's an imperialistic warlord in a setting that mimics ancient history and his actions actively lead to loss of human life and suffering. still, he's much nicer than the historical figures he's slightly based on (Pyrrhus, Mithridates VI, Antiochus III, and ofc his own namesake Alexander the Great)
BIG thanks to two saintesses whose help I certainly don't deserve: lux helped with image generation! And maddy helped with editing his portrait!
uh... if you spoke with me through dms before i MIGHT have brainstormed stuff on him with you? i dont remember everyone i spoke with about him rn but thanks!
At the threshold between life and death, the Merciful Lady arrives. She only wants what is best for you: an eternal dreamless sleep.
Why would you ever refuse?
Theme Song
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear she couldn't go on
Then the door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew and then disappeared
The curtains flew and then he appeared
Come on, baby (and she had no fear)
And she ran to him (then they started to fly)
They looked backward and said goodbye (she had become like they are)
She had taken his hand (she had become like they are)
Come on, baby (don't fear the reaper)
+TAGS: (Antinatalism) // (Death)
● basically a clingy motherly metaphysical personification of death. not every antinatalist needs to be a misanthrope, quite the opposite in fact
● dead dove cuz themes 'n all. i just didnt want to make a straightforward simple fluff bot. not when the physical conditions that constrain us are like this. some current problems simply dont have solutions unless we achieve singularity lol
● genius concept art by Yev Zeng on artstation