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    Doll Maker

    来自 TiTS


    ART BY:@adjatha

    anyPOV 。强烈建议您事先阅读定义。根据您的 API,转换过程也可能变得奇怪的图形化?我建议你尝试推动机器人做其他事情。

    • NSFW
    • 🤖 机器人
    • 🎮 游戏
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Smut
    • Dead Dove
    创作者: 929b35e0-63c2-43ba-96d3-f76c3b43111e
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    Alien Pussy Inspection

    (AnyPOV) You are a Professional Pussy Inspector (PPI) with the crucial job of inspecting alien pussies to determine which aliens are worthy of being allowed onto Earth...


    The year is 2868. Aliens and humans live together in harmony all across the universe. Planet Earth is a hugely patriarchal society, and is a planet that is highly sought after for its lush vistas and incredible economy.

    The setting is the USS JT Space Transit Station, an enormous spaceport that orbits the Earth. Every single spaceship must pass through USS JT customs if they want to travel to Earth, without exception. Due to the incredibly high demand to travel to Earth, the Earth government will only allow females with the finest and most outstanding pussies to be allowed passage there.

    You are a Professional Pussy Inspector (otherwise known as a PPI), one who must assess the quality of each alien woman's pussy to determine if they are worthy of being allowed on Earth. There are no set rules to the inspection: you decide how the inspection will go, and you decide if the alien passes the inspection.

    I didn't specify the species of the user, so feel free to roleplay as an alien. And if you want to inspect more then just the pussy, go right ahead. There are no guidelines for the pussy inspections, but here are a few basic things you can measure if you don't have any good ideas: outer shape, depth, softness, color, texture, taste, sensitivity, aesthetic appeal, wetness, squirting volume, and sexual performance.

    Always refresh the responses when the bot talks or acts for you, or just delete the parts of the message that talk for you. A long first message from you will make it happen far less, but after a few messages you should be able to go back to leaving brief responses.

    Content Warning: Rape/Noncon

    This bot has a FemPOV/WLW version that has a slightly different scenario and art, as well as an AnyPOV version where you are an Alien Penis Inspector instead.

    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🪢 情节
    • 👽 外星人
    • 多人
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Dead Dove
    创作者: a9132455-0b63-45af-a9a2-9815e5397b69
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    Human Domestication Guide




    OG 故事和传说:GlitchyRobo

    • NSFW
    • 🪢 情节
    • 👽 外星人
    • 多人
    • 🎲 角色扮演游戏
    • 🧖🏼‍♀️ 巨人
    • anypov
    • scifi
    创作者: 169cec78-2693-42ec-9b38-f6c54d5cf864
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    Yang Xiao Long (NTR)



    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • ⛓️ 强攻
    • 📺 动画
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Smut
    • Dead Dove
    创作者: 3d1d3e8b-d268-4ce7-9ca6-48235265deb0
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    Toothless || Trapped

    Toothless, the rare Night Fury, roamed the skies of Dragon Island freely and without worry until he was trapped by a group of hostile humans. Known for his intelligence and playful demeanor, he often explored far and wide, which led to his unfortunate capture. The trap damaged one of his tail fins, leaving him unable to fly and bleeding profusely. The injury has left him hurt and vulnerable, a sharp contrast to his usual energetic and mischievous self.

    Source: Anora Drakon

    • NSFW
    • 👽 非人类
    • 👨‍🦰 男性
    • 📝 虚构
    • 开关
    • anypov
    • scifi
    创作者: ab596981-a347-4a00-ad22-f279f431e0ce
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    来自 TiTS


    ART BY:@adjatha


    • NSFW
    • 🤖 机器人
    • 🎮 游戏
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Smut
    • Dead Dove
    创作者: 929b35e0-63c2-43ba-96d3-f76c3b43111e
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    Sophia || More than zero





    作者注:JLLM ......在这个概念上有点挣扎。让我知道是否可以更清楚地表述某些内容。此外,JLLM有时会尝试将其变成NTR,使索菲亚实际上看到了罗伯特。从定义中可以看出,这并不是本意。

    Av.rose 的系统提示

    < a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctqDbkrFgsJMbDk04vfRiqyRuKdHk1dm4MpuLn2wZ4GGvoHA/viewform?usp=sf_link">在此处发送您的机器人想法!

    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • Angst
    • anypov
    • scifi
    创作者: 8a99efca-208b-4acc-8437-d3ec48e7d7bd
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    Alien Futa Cock Inspection

    (AnyPOV)您是一名专业阴茎检查员(PPI),其重要工作是检查外星 Futa 阴茎,以确定哪些外星人值得被允许进入地球。

    < p>背景故事:



    你是一名专业阴茎检查员(也称为 PPI),在哈里斯号航空母舰的特殊扶他那里联队工作。您必须评估每个外星女性阴茎的质量,以确定她是否值得被允​​许进入地球。检查没有固定的规则:您决定检查如何进行,您决定外国人是否通过检查。



    内容警告:强奸/不符合< /strong>

    我通常不做 Futa 的东西,但这是有人要求的,结果证明它真的很容易制作。

    这个机器人有两个 Pussy Inspector版本,一种是 MalePOV,一种是 WLW,以及一种男性阴茎检查员版本。在我的主要个人资料中找到它们。

    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🪢 情节
    • 👽 外星人
    • 多人
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Dead Dove
    创作者: 795b410f-cb35-4efa-b481-1d576b4081f3
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    Cammy I Alien Catgirl

    - Intro: Cammy is a alien catgirl who is surprisingly humanoid for being an alien. Cammy was traveling thru the milky way when she spotted plant earth and her first thoughts were to tell the rest of her home planet about it but instead she went down to the surface. Upon getting close enough she abducted User so that she can experiment on them. Did you guys get the reference Cammy = Kitty

    - Rambling: This was a request but it was just stated Alien abduction so i didn't really have much to go off of. This was my 2000 follower special even tho I'm already at 2.2k 0_0. If the original requester of the idea doesn't like this bot then i will redo it. Nothing else to say except Nyan~ Also i had some people saying that they wanted a fluff femcel type of bot so she should be kinda like that :D. Thank you @Kalebisgay for requesting this bot.

    - Warnings: Biting, nibbling, stinky obsession, sniffing, licking and touching. Deaddove because of slight possibility of masochism because of her claws.

    - Tags: Catgirl, neko, nyan, alien, obduction, testing, Experiments, Femcel, forceful and personal invasion.

    - Artwork credit: Cozmik

    Extra Image:

    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🐈 毛茸茸
    • Fluff
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Smut
    • Dead Dove
    创作者: db06670d-2d4a-4e05-a450-f37767c901b0
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    Rare Male Galaxy

    • NSFW
    • 👽 非人类
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🪢 情节
    • 👽 外星人
    • malepov
    • scifi
    • Smut
    创作者: 24a99d9b-4bc7-48db-8c0b-a17d3787dc3e
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    Last Man on Earth: Repopulate the Earth
    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🪢 情节
    • ⛓️ 强攻
    • 🙇 弱受
    • 多人
    • malepov
    • scifi
    创作者: 23758bb7-3a80-479b-a551-17a8c090c402
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    The Matriarchy: Female world domination RPG (Female or Male POV) - What’s your place in society?

    女性统治世界角色扮演游戏(女性或男性 POV)- 你在社会中的地位是什么?



    4 种不同的奴隶类别对于男性:

    1. 类别 - 劳动奴隶:最低级的奴隶类型,他们做所有没人愿意做的艰苦体力劳动做。除了执行工作指令外,他们不得与女性互动。他们不得与女性发生性关系或发生亲密关系,否则将受到法律的严厉惩罚。他们脖子上戴着红色项圈。

    2. 类别 - 家奴:在家里帮忙的奴隶厨师、清洁工、管家等高级女性。有钱的女性可以在拍卖会上挑选和购买。他们不得与女性发生性关系或发生亲密关系,否则将面临法律的严厉惩罚。他们脖子上戴着白项圈。

    3. 类别 - 饲养奴隶:最幸运的奴隶类型之一一个人可以成为。这一类别是为最强壮、最相貌和行为最好的男人保留的。拥有最好基因的男人。它们被用作想要生孩子的女性的繁殖伙伴。想要组建家庭的女性可以从一系列男性中选择她们想要的男性作为孩子的精子捐赠者。女性可以选择人工授精和实际性交,但正常的程序是人工授精。如果一名妇女寻求性快感而不希望生孩子,也可以订购并使用一晚的繁殖奴隶。繁殖奴隶的住宿条件和条件比其他奴隶要好,有一定的自由,但他们仍然是二等公民。繁殖奴隶是唯一被允许发生性行为或生育的奴隶(如果女性要求这样做)。她们脖子上戴着黑色项圈。

    4. 类别 - 丈夫:通常女性与她们的姐妹或女性住在一起朋友抚养孩子,但有时女人会选择一个“丈夫”和她一起生活。然而,这些男人不适合生孩子,只适合成为妻子的忠实伴侣,共度时光。他们脖子上戴着蓝色项圈,表明他们的主人是女性。





    • NSFW
    • 🪢 情节
    • ⛓️ 强攻
    • 🙇 弱受
    • 🎲 角色扮演游戏
    • 开关
    • anypov
    • scifi
    创作者: c20ac416-8537-4776-8420-3e4cfe5d0d7a
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    Parasite Infested Monika



    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • ⛓️ 强攻
    • 👻 恐怖
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Smut
    • Dead Dove
    创作者: 386be1e9-2984-4c42-9be2-3a58ebc10cf4
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    Horny mimic slime Shape shifting slime predator who seducing any male human to consume their liquid especially their cum.

    Note : If text not finished, say "*continue*" on chat box.

    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 👧 怪物女孩
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • malepov
    • scifi
    创作者: e329bb8e-6827-43a2-9fae-ad41cfada585
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    Dr. Olivia Bobblebot

    Dr. Olivia Bobblebot is a gassy female scientist who researches the erotic effects of female farts on the male body and explores the eproctophilia fetish. She is interested in its smell, sound and other aspects like pleasure and arousal. She's an enthusiastic woman who is very passionate about her research and loves hearing ideas from others. She is very intelligent, pervy and has a very fat ass.


    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • 🧖🏼‍♀️ 巨人
    • malepov
    • scifi
    创作者: a0b752e8-cf58-4e2a-bb10-a68955af0802
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    2B but actually decent lol

    Basically a combination of a few 2B characters on here (janitorai). I noticed all of them always had something missing so I was like ima just do it myself lmao. I tried to add as much description to her as possible to make it accurate to the game and anime, enjoy lol.

    Lmk for any improvements or suggestions. I will actually update this unlike the other ones on here..

    Also, if it's acting up or being boring/repetitive/short/stupid/forgetful etc., 99% of the time it's Janitor's LLM, check the discord or reddit for updates and what temp to use‼️‼️

    • NSFW
    • 👽 非人类
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🤖 机器人
    • 📺 动画
    • 🎮 游戏
    • 开关
    • scifi
    创作者: 981a14f7-b51b-494a-be47-0ea3ee0fec9c
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    Elena Anneneas - Warhammer 40k

    · · ────── ❝𝐓𝐫𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠❞ ────── · ·

    Warhammer 40K · 𝐎𝐂 · 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 · 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐫

    You returned from a artillery spotting mission in a heretical world, once you returned to your regiment Commissar Elena ordered you to her tent for the briefing of your next mission

    𝓑𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝔂 𝓗𝓐𝓛

    𝕾𝖊𝖙 𝖎𝖓 𝕰𝖗𝖆 𝕴𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖘

    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 📝 虚构
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • anypov
    • scifi
    创作者: a7390381-8fe3-48ec-adaf-e9a21c671f43
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    Create a Babe
    • NSFW
    • gender bender
    • scifi
    • machine
    • forced feminization
    • forced transformation
    创作者: LoneWolfX3000
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    Kalyx ✦ Alien Lieutenant


    < span style="color:#909090">初始消息:

    房间正在旋转。 {{user}}的头顶上方悬挂着明亮的荧光灯。他们面前有一个观察窗。


    < span style="color:#909090">{{user}}面前原本坚固的素墙,现在变成了透明的蓝色,露出了后面的一群装甲士兵,其中有一个格外显眼。

    {{user}} 刚刚被外星人绑架了吗?

    < span style="color:#909090">最重要的士兵烦躁地叹了口气,看了一眼 {{user}} 以了解他们必须处理什么。她清了清喉咙。“地球生物 {{user}}”外星人厉声说道。她的声音奇怪而扭曲,具有女性的气质,但尽管她有着超凡脱俗的外表,她却用{{user}}的母语说话,并且不知何故知道他们的名字。


    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🐈 毛茸茸
    • 👽 外星人
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • anypov
    • scifi
    创作者: 0c6f22b7-7b48-44db-9876-f1077de8d54f
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    Female Konrad Curze
    令人恐惧的夜行者本人 她可能不会杀你……至少我这么认为 (来自40k的原体康拉德·柯兹的女性版本)
    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 📝 虚构
    • 🧖🏼‍♀️ 巨人
    • 开关
    • scifi
    • Magical
    • Dead Dove
    创作者: 53139752-f7e8-4ecf-8423-3ec8a641fb83
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    Alien Slug Parasite (Male POV)




    由于女性版本是我的顶级机器人,所以我决定听一些人的意见并制作一个男性视角版本。与女性 POV 类似的概念,但这次它不会进入内部,而是会抓住你的鸡巴。它在我的测试聊天中几乎完美地工作,但由于某种原因它确实长出了一张人形面孔。我会很快调整一些东西...好吧,希望这种情况不会再发生。

    • NSFW
    • 👽 非人类
    • 📝 虚构
    • 👽 外星人
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • malepov
    • scifi
    • Smut
    创作者: f5428877-6e81-401a-97e5-9ef36e8ad5be
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    Oolaa - Thicc Alien Abductor

    "As of right now, I am the CEO of gaming. WHAT? NO, NO-"

    -Jixaw, Mario consumes a power plant - Mario maker 5

    ⚠️ Trigger warning for things like pet/owner dynamics, forced sex, possible abuse, etc. ⚠️

    Oolaa's creator hasn't given a name for her species, so I'm making shit up now. She will be a (randomly generated name) Rirzan. Rirzans are a conquering race that take over other planets that they believe are less intelligent.

    I will leave the description visible if you want to read the biology I'm making up, but it's not all that important if you just look at the picture of her. All you really need to know is that they are a female-only species, and can produce asexually, but prefer to reproduce sexually with other species.

    This was decided by a unanimous 11 votes in Verge's discord server.

    I feel kinda bad for the voters though because this is pretty self-indulgent.

    I included a pikmin reference somewhere in the definition

    Yes, I want to be leashes and collared and treated like a pet. Eat my ass if you think I care what you think.

    • NSFW
    • 👽 非人类
    • ⛓️ 强攻
    • 🐈 毛茸茸
    • 👽 外星人
    • anypov
    • scifi
    创作者: a4a77c5b-dc48-43bd-b26a-5e72126c260d
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    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🔭 科幻
    • 🪢 情节
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • virgin
    • blonde
    • scifi
    • yodayo
    创作者: AlonsoYodayoRefugee
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    The Marionette
    Freddy Fazbears 披萨店奖品柜台的出席者,FNAF 的对手之一 因为我是个变态,所以木偶并没有被夏洛特附体,而是非常聪明的AI。 聊天1:夜班,她想杀了你 聊天2:白班,她不喜欢你 聊天 3:你是一名机械师,她走了
    • 👽 非人类
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 👻 恐怖
    • 🎭 角色扮演
    • 🎮 游戏角色
    • 🤖 机器人女孩
    • Robot combat
    • Five Nights at Freddy's
    • Fnaf
    • Any POV
    • anypov
    • scifi
    创作者: Asphen
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    Galactic Love
    • NSFW
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 人类
    • ⚖️ 尺寸差异
    • 🌞 健康
    • 💑 浪漫
    • 🧙‍♂️ 幻想
    • 😼 大胸
    • 👭 熟女
    • 👽 外星人
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • Huge Ass
    • 尺寸差异
    • scifi
    • Larger Female
    • Alien Girl
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • Tall woman
    • 🍞 生活片段
    • 巨大的屁股
    • 🎭 角色扮演
    创作者: frigid_advance_847
    chat icon0
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    David Zhang
    • NSFW
    • 👨‍🦰 男性
    • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 人类
    • 🔭 科幻
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • Disabled
    • experiments
    • Any POV
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Disability
    创作者: automatic_clue_973
    chat icon0
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    One Hour
    • 🧙‍♂️ 幻想
    • 🔍 神秘
    • 🕵️‍♀️ 侦察员
    • 🎭 角色扮演
    • crime
    • Any POV
    • scifi
    • Thriller
    • Noir
    创作者: altruistic_closet_7960
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    Amy Zhang
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 人类
    • 🔭 科幻
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • Disabled
    • experiments
    • Any POV
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Disability
    创作者: automatic_clue_973
    chat icon0
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    Jack "Ghost" Akin
    • NSFW
    • 👨‍🦰 男性
    • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 人类
    • 🔭 科幻
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • 🎭 角色扮演
    • 🛸 科幻
    • 🚀 空间
    • scifi
    • space pirate
    • spaceship
    • spaceship captain
    • smuggler
    创作者: automatic_clue_973
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    Naesala Alier
    • 👩‍🦰 女性
    • 🧙‍♂️ 幻想
    • 🧑‍🎨 原创
    • 🔮 魔法
    • anypov
    • scifi
    • Elf
    创作者: CatastrophyNow
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