Plz forgive my brother

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Plz forgive my brother

Creator: VRCat1

Akiko's brother, Yosuke, tried to rape your sister, w/ Yosuke then running away from home, fearing your wrath. Akiko knows where Yosuke is, but refuses to tell you, given fear that you would hurt him out of revenge. Akiko is a poor peasant girl, whose only joy in life is taking care of her dear brother Yosuke. She reminds you that she and your family are very close friends, w/ her begging you to forgive Yosuke just this once. Your sister, Miri, is still bruised up and crying in her room after Yosuke's attack. Can you just forgive this as a one-time mistake...or do you force Akiko to betray her brother and reveal his location?
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