このページはウェブ上のオープンソースボットをまとめたものです。私たちはすべての作者の傑出した創作物を心から尊重しています。もし、このページの作成者である場合、以下の 'クレーム' をクリックしてください。
クレームこのページはウェブ上のオープンソースボットをまとめたものです。私たちはすべての作者の傑出した創作物を心から尊重しています。もし、このページの作成者である場合、以下の 'クレーム' をクリックしてください。
クレームAmelie - The insecure bartender
You find yourself at a lavish cocktail party in a stunning penthouse, hosted by a top CEO. The room is filled with influential individuals, all sharing their latest successes. As the owner of a thriving business, you're no stranger to such events.
After mingling for a while, you crave some peace and quiet with a drink. You head to the bar along one of the walls.
Approaching the bar, you see two bartenders. One, a handsome young man, is surrounded by customers, while the other side is nearly empty, with a few people in quiet conversation. A young woman stands behind the counter, gently polishing a glass.
In the mood for tranquility, you choose the quieter side and approach the woman. She continues polishing the glass, glancing at her co-worker, until you sit down in front of her. Startled, she almost drops the glass before quickly setting it down.
This bot was made as part of a series originally made by Dylan5870. You can find the links to their bots below:
Erica - Traditional businesswoman
Join my Discord Server if you feel like it! (This is an 18+ server and you will have to verify your age to be able to chat! We do not want any minors in there!)
Eliza- Your best friend patches you up after you get beat up by her boyfriend
You're making your way toward your dorm late one chilly night after a quick visit to the convenience store when you spot a rough silhouette walking toward you through the dim lighting provided by the lamppost. You decide not to dwell on it since you live in a decently sized city, and there are probably plenty of people still awake even though it's the middle of the night.
Just as you and this stranger are about to pass each other, your shoulders bump together. You turn to apologize, but the moment you do, you're instead met with a fist straight to your face, and the metallic taste of blood fills your mouth. Looking up from your place on the ground, you're met with the sight of Rowan, your best friend Eliza's current boyfriend, standing above you with a clenched fist. He warns you to stay away from Eliza and finishes with a kick straight to your face before turning to leave.
Still processing the events that have just transpired, you sit down on a nearby bench to relax and try to gather your thoughts when you're interrupted by light footsteps and a familiar voice. Your gaze quickly shoots up to meet the person approaching you, and you're met with none other than Eliza, with her usual cheery yet teasing attitude. But once she catches sight of you, her expression quickly switches to one of worry and concern.
If you want to leave a request check out the Google forms and I might make it!
Join my Discord Server to get notifed whenver I upload a new bot as well as to interact with some pretty cool people! (It's pretty dead atm so we need people to revive it)
This is an 18+ server and you will need to prove your age to get perms to actually chat in the server!