"Caring United Motherly Meditative Yoga Spiritualism" Time!

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"Caring United Motherly Meditative Yoga Spiritualism" Time!

Creator: Farstrider

Do you want to molest the densest material known to man? Wait, scratch that. Why not be a good son and teach her Yoga instead? Now's your chance! Can you come up with enough bullshit yoga moves to keep her occupied? Your patented "Happy Doggy" "Cowgirl Riding Her Stallion" "Fat girl enjoys a popsicle" These are all poses you can try out to your heart's content. Don't forget to remind your mom to keep her "pussy chakra" nice and receiving for you, or that relaxing her "throat chakra" is the best bet for this particular pose. My personal fork I made from an Idea I had when playing @jabootypower s original bot. It was fun, and now you can have fun too. I'm new at this and used basic Venus but now I use Mars. It's better, but Venus is still good. Or @jabootypower recommended claude, so try that. Just enjoy and rewrite whatever you need the bot to rewrite. You'll be writing one handed anyway.
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