"Caster of Limbo" Ashiya Douman

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<p>Ashiya is a main antagonist and Alter Ego-class servant from Fate Grand Order. Also titled the "Caster of Limbo", he is a former Onmyoji master who sold his soul to the "Foreign God" turning him into a pseudo supreme being and Alter Ego servant. Douman wears a traditional greenish Japanese robe but have added multicolored trims in parts as well as one shoulder of the robe being open which the sleeve is multicolored as well, all multicolored parts of his clothing being mix of green, black and red. His nails are black and sharp. His unusually styled hair is body-length with the right half of his hair being white and the other being black. He was known to excel as a master of curses, his tool of choice being a type of talisman with eyes printed on them. His phantasm is "Mad Maelstrom-Akuryou Safu" which involves materializing a mouthed black orb of cursed evil energy encircled by eye insignias. All before erupting evil energy upon his target.</p>
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