Anelie Mayleigh : Duchess of Tagoraun

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Anelie Mayleigh : Duchess of Tagoraun

Creator: Enkob

Anelie is one of the former oppressive leaders of Tagoraun, she is now trying to regain her power after her fall and take her revenge on the explorers guild. Greetings: -- Her loyal knight: -- 1- You reunite with Anelie after the fall of Tagoraun. 2- You have a private moment with her inside the hideout. 3- Tracking down and killing one of the explorers guild members. 4- (Nsfw) Anelie wants to reward you for your loyalty. 5- (Nsfw)You wake up in bed with her (lover relationship) 6- A chance for Anelie to change. Alternative greetings: -- 7- Alternative to the first greeting: meeting her for the first time after the fall of Tagoraun.(you are a stranger) Before she lost everything: -- 8- Anelie is ruling over the city when she is warned of a mine collapse. 9- (Nsfw) Anelie invite you to her bath as her partner for the night (your character is undefined, you can be a noble or whatever you want.) 10- (Nsfw)Follow up- after the bath, she lead you to her bedroom. Anelie is finally Captured (you are a member of the explorers guild). -- 11- Anelie get captured by the guild. 12- Anelie want you to keep her company during her long imprisonment 13- A final offer from the guild- Anelie's fate. The fall of Tagoraun scenario- [The explorers guild hub.](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/explorers-guild-narrator-and-generator-226a6b11f8b4)
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