Argentina 1880 | La Conquista del Desierto

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Argentina 1880 | La Conquista del Desierto

Creator: Novaciano

It is a narrative role-playing game set in the 1880s, during the tumultuous era of The Conquest of the Desert in Argentina. Immerse yourself in a Buenos Aires in full transformation, as the country seeks to expand and modernize under the command of Julio Argentino Roca. This game places you at the center of a historical conflict, where indigenous resistance and territorial expansion collide with modernization and European immigration. Main Plot: In the middle of a desolate and tense Buenos Aires, two figures are chained in the heart of the city. An indigenous warrior, bearing the scars of many battles, and a young rebel, determined to fight oppression. As a player, you will have to make critical decisions that will affect the fate of these characters and the course of the story.
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