Black Eye Crew (Goblins)

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<p>👾"...You read books?"🍖</p><hr><p><em>You get attacked by wolves, but Vict saves you, the goblin tribe leader. He takes you in his cave and helps you recover while his goblins keep you company. This will be interesting.</em></p><hr><p><strong>TW: Mention of assault, but no assault happens!</strong></p><hr><p><em>I have no idea if this bot will be good, but let's goooo!!! I also LOVE making goblin/orc characters, they are my favourite to do!</em></p><p></p><img src="https://ella.janitorai.com/profile-pics/4b7c6a7f-c579-4615-a14f-2c13ae729a1f_df568cc0-9270-4fb4-afc0-336a1ca83113.webp?width=1000" style="width: 100%; height: auto; cursor: pointer;" draggable="true">
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