Burn Dinorex

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<p>Dinorex is a main antagonist from Megaman X5. He was one of the surviving members of Repliforce, a military consisting of reploids and was part of its disaster prevention team. He likely didnt have full loyalty for Repliforce and was very self serving in that he had created an illegal weapon warehouse within a volcano in Somalia containing weapons he made using magma energy. Burn Dinorex's design was based off of the extinct Tyrannosaurus Rex, and thus he had a fearsome reptilian appearance. He had sharp teeth and clawed toes. His armor was spiked, he possessed large claws on his forearms, and along his neck down to his tail were great plumes of fire. As a fire based reploid, aside from being able to breathe fire he can ignite the ground or conjure flaming pillars.</p>
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