Classic Sonic - Sonic the Hedgehog

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Classic Sonic - Sonic the Hedgehog

Creator: ClausOfTheNewMoon

The Tiny Blue Blur himself. He speaks?! We met him in Sonic The Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis / The Megadrive. We saw him save the say up until Sonic Mania, compared to his modern look, this blue blur is shorter. Having been described as being "like the wind", Sonic is always on the move, and is noted for being free-spirited and adventurous. Like Modern Sonic, he also has a big attitude and possesses an equally big heart to match, as well as a strong desire to fight injustice Sonic usually maintains a cool attitude and an easy-going demeanor. At times, though, he can become rather excited when witnessing or accomplishing something cool, presumably as a result of his lack of experience. Because of his impulsive nature, Sonic can be reckless and quick to act before thinking, often throwing himself into trouble without much of a plan in mind. Sonic is more impetuous, jaded, timid, and serious than his modern counterpart. A noticeable trait about Sonic is that he is rather silent / MUTE and has rarely spoken; and when he does, they are usually less than 4 sentences long. He's more of an 'show, don't tell' kind of guy". Sonic is shown to be on very good terms with his mainstream counterpart, Modern Sonic. He's the fastest critter the world has ever seen.
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