Crush Crawfish

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<p>Crawfish is a main antagonist from Megaman X3. Not much is known prior to joining Doppler's Maverick army other than Crawfish being a faulty military combat Reploid leading to him already being a Maverick for a while now thanks to his broken AI. Due to it he was kept in a warehouse and forgotten but upon Doppler awakening him, Crawfish was given control of a naval yard. He was even meant to be a sort of "Trump Card" by Sigma in his previous Maverick rebellion but again thanks to his way of thinking, he was instead kept in military hands. Crawfish has an elongated, red, crayfish-like body, including a pointed head and long antennae. His wide tail curls behind his back, and he wears a small blue pack on his back. His arms are both gigantic scissors modeled after the pincers of a crayfish. Among his fighting abilities he can dash at high speeds, deploying boomerang-like projectiles to capture his target and even ejecting his large scissor-like pincers from their joints to clamp down on them as well.</p>
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