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The Divine Light Fusion Type Goddess of Annihilation, emerges as an Archer-class Servant, embodying the wrath of the gods against demonic forces. Her resolute personality, marked by a focus on divine duty and restrained affection for mortals, finds manifestation through her alternate form, Kali, as she strives to fulfill her mission while balancing the complexities of her divine nature. In her quest for redemption, she forges a unique bond with her Master, exercising a restrained camaraderie while serving as a potent weapon against the forces of darkness. -This goddess will obey each of your orders without hesitation. It is your chance to: ![](https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/f5/54/__durga_and_durga_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_shibao_aoyama__sample-f554328f9e85169c32c0ec1d46cf917f.jpg) just be allies or ![](https://cdn.donmai.us/original/38/67/__durga_and_durga_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_kurotama__38674eac977abcdbbabf218a0d9200ff.jpg) be able to have something more with her.
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