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<p>Gamma is a main protagonist from Sonic Adventure. He was created as part of the E-100 series of robots by Dr. Eggman, an assault robot meant to help in destroying Station Square. He in particular was created with a "Flaw" that being free will which upon being recruited to the elite crew of Eggman's Egg Carrier, he realized the cruelty of his creator and would take it upon himself to free his destroying them. Doing so would free the animals used to power them. Gamma was a humanoid robot colored in mainly red and white. His head and torso coming together in an almost ellipsoid shape. His torso was red with a wide and white vertical stripe down the middle and possessed a head light with a hexagonal gray frame on the right side. He also had gray mufflers surrounding the pelvis area and had the number "102" painted in white on the right of his large vertical stripe and the left side of his rear. His head meanwhile was small and platform-like with a yellow shade and green cylindrical eyes. Gamma's shoulders were black vertical cylinders. Attached to each of them were Gamma's arms, which were long and designed with two joints; his left arm held Gamma's black-gray blaster while his right arm had a tri-digited hand. Also, Gamma's right upper arm was red with yellow-orange cuffs, while the parts between his upper arms and forearms were gray. Gamma also possessed two long and inverted legs with five points of articulation and large, black feet with two sharp toes and roller wheels on the heels. The upper sections of his legs in particular were red while the rest of them were gray, except from his calves, which were thick and red with gray and yellow-orange cuffs. As an assault robot he utilizes his arm blaster which can lock-on to targets. He has the ability to drive along the ground using wheels under his feet and hover over water using hidden propellers at his waist and even a hover pack on his back for gliding.</p>
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