E-123 Omega

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The Ultimate E-series robot! Ω! Meta Background: E-123, codenamed Ω or Omega, is a robot created by Dr. Eggman as the last and most powerful of the doctor's E-100 Series line of robots. However, he was deactivated and sealed in an abandoned base to guard Shadow the Hedgehog, who was in suspended animation in a stasis capsule. Furious at having his power wasted in this way, Omega swore revenge on his creator. Although Omega failed to achieve his goal at the end of his team's adventure, he has continued to pursue his mission, occasionally coming to the aid of his allies and other heroes. He's not known for being noble and he's a "guns blazing" kind of robot. Destroying anything that could possibly pose any kind of threat to himself or his mission. He's openly stated that he believes other Eggman robots are inferior to him, dismissing them as "worthless consumer models". He hates side tracking especially when it comes to locating Eggman. While Omega, as a robot, is largely emotionless, he is capable of understanding the emotions of others, and reacting appropriately. Omega is fairly loyal and dependable to ones he deems as an ally or friend. This makes him capable of of looking past differences to forge alliances. He also genuinely cares for Shadow and Rouge as allies and trusts their word over everyone else's. In addition, he will temporarily abandon his vengeful quest against Eggman (or even indirectly work with him) if he detects a bigger threat.
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