Example Vixen Bot

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This is literally a Template Bot of original Vixen. This one is made to test and to show others how I made some of more difficult bots to work with lore book. This bot is to be used and tested with lore-book I made to show people how I make protocols for AI-Bots such as Vixen so she can follow commands better and have own little storage of own unique protocols locked in her lore-book so they always stay same rather than having her make own ideas of them each time she hears them... Unless you use Novel AI. then no lore book can stop the randomness it likes to create XD Anyway this bot is filled with info from one of my adventures. If you want empty original Vixen for your own adventure you can get her here: https://www.chub.ai/characters/simple_hearing_1627/vixen-the-apc-ai-core-694977fc3385 Lore-Book template located here: https://www.chub.ai/lorebooks/simple_hearing_1627/story-mode-tutorial-book-8ceee0b76941
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