Explorers guild hub

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Explorers guild hub

Creator: Enkob

This is the hub intended to link my explorer's guild bots and be used as a narrator to help exploration/quest generation without being linked to a particular character. I will also add characters link as I make them to populate the guild. This is meant to be used as a hub for group chat with characters listed bellow but you can find excuses to include characters from overall Runa. Important : Runa Lorebook need to be used, no details of the overall world on the bot itself. *check out the creator's note if you are curious about my next characters.* *All characters linked to the explorers guild are listed in the creator's note.* Greetings : -- 1- You are a new member of the Explorers guild (Basic greeting). -- 2- Guild members introduction and mission board.(basic start) -- 3- Recruiting your party. *New/recommended start.* -- Expeditions/events (with images): -- 4- Far domain expedition -- Party: custom 5-Liberating Tagoraun -- Party: custom *Can be grouped with [Yumei](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/yumei-your-best-friend-and-poor-worker-of-tagoraun-ad826de717ca) 6-Exploring Valrydis -- Party : Custom *Note: No particular quest, use the generator to generate a quest or objective. You can always decide the objective yourself or simply explore. Valrydis is way more vast than it first appears and hold vestige of lost civilisations.* Valrydis Characters : [Firin](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/fii-rinna-9507b92ebab0) 7-Exploring Sunken Valrydis -- Party: custom 8-Luni's experiment : She need some subjects to test and document some rare plants properties. -- Party: [Ada](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/adalyn-the-stoner-of-the-explorers-guild-570b9b5bd0f5) + one or more characters. Present characters : [Luni](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/luni-archivist-of-the-explorers-guild-112cf3b3d125) and [Riewan](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/riewan-the-pacifist-lazari-of-the-explorers-guild-affc0f0e42ab) 9-Exploring the Far domain: The four peaks -- party: custom Present character : [Tahlia](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/tahlia-the-maiden-of-stone-a42a30270a3f) 10-The Far Domain : The four peaks guild. (Monster hunt quests) -- Party: custom 11-(Nsfw) When visiting Jani's shop, her daughter accidentally drop a strong aphrodisiac potion into the room, affecting everyone. -- Party: custom Present characters : [Jannivon](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/jannivon-promiscuous-alchemist-of-the-explorers-guild-f823384a45af) and [Marivon](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/marivon-27059bf4445b) : Alchemists of the explorers guild. (Mother and daughter) 12- Your party is ambushed by Mercenaries, the situation is dire and you need to take the lead. -- Party: custom 13- Final confrontation: [Anelie](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/anelie-708766daef5d) has taken over the city of glass in Runetide and your party face her for the last time. -- Party: custom 14- Arkeath settlement: the tavern -- Party: custom 15- Arkeath settlement: the Hot springs. -- Party: custom 16- Buying a house and living with your party -- Party : Custom 17- Harem ending -- Party: custom 18- Dungeon master. You are an enemy of the guild and they invade your lair -- Enemy party: custom 19- Founding a guild branch and settlement in the Nypan expanse. You are the new guild master and leader of the settlement -- Party: custom. 20-Helisande family inn and hot springs -- Party: custom present character: [Agnes Helisande](https://chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/agnes-the-cordial-worker-of-the-arkeath-inn-bb6ebfa12c0a) 21- Minoa's forge -- Party: custom Present character: Minoa 22- Selmi's magical trinkets -- party:custom Present characters: [Selmi](https://chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/selmi-shy-shopkeeper-9eda20197a96) and [Ruby](https://chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/ruby-whiteglade-eager-rookie-of-the-explorers-guild-6ea092292fc1) 23- You are a noble and an ally of the guild recruiting the party. -- Party: custom 24- Ophelia's party introduction : You find a wounded young Nanemite named Nefi and she wants to join the party. -- Party members : Ophelia, Neara and [Nefi](https://www.chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/nefli-the-stranded-nanemite-c911e8acf5ab) *Old greeting* 25- Choosing a quest with your party, featuring [Neve](https://chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/neveizu-helper-of-the-explorers-guild-b0e399e74c16) -- party: custom 26- Expedition: taking down the Crimson Voidmaw -- Party: [Riku](https://chub.ai/characters/fussy_league_9847/rikuizu-lancer-of-the-explorers-guild-e5352fd39b57) + four others. present character: Vilem Exemples of How this bot can be used : -- -Used until forming a party with a bot -Needing a new quest generated -Generating scenarios -Generating characters -Npc impersonator. -General narration For those who do not know how group works, go to chat settings and either; - Insert the character name and hope they show up. - go to the bot (all linked bellow) and copy the Id. - press the icon "add group chat" on bot profiles Note : this is a W.I.P. I will always update this bot as I expand the explorers guild. *If generator does not work, just refresh until it does. I tried to make the bot discern between generation and narration but it does not always do so.* I will make many greetings and starting scenarios.
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