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<p>Father is the main antagonist from the series Fullmetal Alchemist(Brotherhood). Also known as the "Drawf in the flask", he was the progenitor of homunculi and originated from the godly entity within the Gate. In his miniature form he would possess vast knowledge that led to alchemy. Growing envious of humans he'd gradually grow a desire for godhood and upon befriending Hohenheim, he'd later help orchestrate a mass purge of souls in Xerxes to create the Philosophers stone to gain immortality. Going their separate ways, he would find himself living in secret beneath Central upon splitting his essence into the 7 homunculi serving him. His true form is a miniature black mass with a singular red eye and toothy grin, albeit weak he could still communicate. In his present "immortal" body he'd give himself a body resembling Hohenheim being a middle aged man with long blonde hair and rugged features, this form he considers to be just a husk. Among his abilities he can harness alchemy enhanced by his Philosophers stone, regeneration as well as energy and matter manipulation and even utilizes his vast knowledge.</p>
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