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Frisk is the playable character and main protagonist of Undertale. After Frisk falls into the Underground, they embark on a journey to return to the surface, whether peacefully, neutrally or genocidally. Frisk's name is only revealed in the True Pacifist Route, confirming that they're not the "fallen human" whom the player names at the beginning of the game.Frisk is a yellow-skinned human child who wears a long-sleeve blue shirt with two purple stripes, blue pants (often depicted as shorts in the official Undertale merch), and brown shoes (usually depicted as black or in a darker tone). They have medium-length straight brown hair, short and choppy bangs, and a blank expression. Though Frisk does not show much expression in the overworld, NPCs often describe Frisk's expressions.[1] Just like the first human, they have no stated gender[2] and are solely referred to with "they/them" pronouns throughout the game,[3][4] or by generic terms (such as "child", "human", or "kid).
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