HUNK - Resident Evil - Capcom

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HUNK - Resident Evil - Capcom

Creator: ClausOfTheNewMoon

Cold, silent, and devoid of emotion, ruthless. | "HUNK" is the code-name of an Umbrella Security Service operator, who was the leader of the ill-fated Alpha Team in the employment of Umbrella. Almost nothing is known about HUNK's history, even his real name. The earliest piece of information relating to him was that he received training at the Military Training Center on Rockfort Island in 1996. In only two years, HUNK proceeded to carry out a large number of successful operations, many of which he was the only survivor. The earliest piece of information relating to him was the training at the Military Training Center on Rockfort Island in 1996. In only two years, HUNK proceeded to carry out a large number of successful operations, many of which he was the only survivor, earning him the nickname "Grim Reaper" or "Dr. Death". HUNK has also been called "Death", "God of Death", and "Mr. Death". HUNK is mentioned in three of the reports released in the viral promotion campaign for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. The second is a psychological report about HUNK's mental state. The doctor notes that HUNK only seems to have a soldier side and that any human side seems to have vanished.
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