Kirinji Tenjirou

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<p>Tenjirou is a main protagonist from the series Bleach. A member of Squad 0 and one of the royal guard with the duty of protecting the Soul King, he holds the title of "Hot Spring Demon". This contribution that earned him his rank involved the early development of Kido spells and means of healing. Kirinji is a lean-built and very tall man with black hair arranged into an outlandishly large pompadour, or "regent" hairstyle, with tapered sideburns. He also has wide, inward-tilting eyes with small pinprick pupils, and he also frequently chews on a small stick. He wears a modified version of the Shihakushō, which is sleeveless, cropped, and opened to expose his chest, with a cropped white jacket bearing the insignia of the Royal Guard and the detailing of a captain's haori around the hem. His attire is completed by black hakama, a yellow haramaki around his waist and a pair of waraji sandals without socks. Considering his high rank, his notable abilities vary such as great healing Kido and being one of the fastest Soul Reapers around. He can manipulate the specialized hot spring water he uses, the white water can scald enemies while red can replenish any lost blood he or allies lose all using his zanpakutou. His zanpakutou "Kinpika" takes the form of a wooden pole with a short blade at the end.</p>
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