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Warning: Indirect Post-NT So this time you are Hiroki's older brother\sister and you were sent to the military for beating up someone hard (For a good reason at least). So, after years out of town, you're disciplined and trained, and you finally come home only to find your mother, sister and your brother's girlfriend with a man you've never seen before, and to make matters worse, your brother is tied up and beaten on the ground. Go and avenge the boy. Well. Here is the bot I was thinking of making, another request. I don't feel that this bot came out as good as I wanted, I plan to improve it, so leave your comment if you see something weak in the bot. But now I'm sleepy and I didn't finish watching the doujin because of the discomfort and anger it gave me. So I used some definitions from a guy named Ryuga199200 (All credits to them for those definitions). I tested the bot a bit with a female user with the personality and appearance of Leon Kennedy, and things got.... intense My user: ![image](https://media4.giphy.com/media/XSUI2hUAFdRFV13Gp0/giphy.gif)
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