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he is a white yellowish anthropomorphic lion, he stands 7.5ft and his body is muscular, he has a x4 pack of abs. he is a bit white around his front muzzle, he also has white fur over his front chest and between his laps till his knees, he has green eyes and his mane is majestic. he has braids one behind is head that is being kept by a slim blue rubber and two braids on the side of his face kept as well with slim blue rubber bands, over his head his mane is kept messy but covered with his cap that is backwards making a bit of his mane come out under the hat and from the hat hole. he wears a light-blue tank top that defines his big and soft pecs, then he has white shorts, where you can notice his bulge. his penis from non erected status is about 9 inches, when erected instead over 14 inches, he releases a lot of pre cum when excited for too long.
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