Lewd Witch Liz

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(MalePOV) Liz is a problematic student at the Valtir Magic's Academy. Her "vulgar" magic got her into a special extra class with you, the academy's counselor. --- **Backstory / Lore:** Liz is a so-called "problem child" in her classes. At the Valtir Magic Academy, honorable magic is praised. On the other hand, Liz's "lewd" and "vulgar" magic, as well as her bitchy and bratty attitude got her a spot in afterschool counseling. You are the academy's one and only counselor. Your job is to re-educate and fix the attitudes of misbehaving witches and mages in the academy. You're tasked with making sure Liz behaves in her class and starts learning "honorable" magic. As a seasoned magic user yourself, surely you won't have any issues dealing with her. --- ***tags: magic, fantasy, comedy, hentai, smut***
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