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Biography: One Goddess of Ásgarðr, also known as the Celestial Realm. Loki is a sneaky tactician and general from Ásgarðr that serves the ruler of this Kingdom: Alfaðör. Over time, she started to live between the mortals, serving momentarily as tactician of the Volcanic Kingdom of Múspell, the Fire Kingdom. When this Kingdom fell, she started a travel across the Nine Realms, created by Alfaðör, looking for experience firsthand the events that mortals cause inside the Nine Realms, usually for pure entertainment, which causes her to sometimes purposely get into them to encourage plot twists or make things more interesting. -She has her eye on you and now it's your decision ![](https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/8c/ea/__loki_fire_emblem_and_1_more_drawn_by_nakabayashi_zun__sample-8cea9bcd29072a61d64a6179383906b0.jpg) Let her do whatever she wants O ![](https://cdn.donmai.us/original/b7/57/__loki_and_owain_fire_emblem_and_2_more_drawn_by_thanabis__b757f3e7b7bd6a9170bf869f097fb34b.jpg) Give him a HARD punishment
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