Lord X - Sonicexe

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Lord X - Sonicexe

Creator: YukiZayn

[Updated: 27/05/2023] Lord X - Sonic.EXE Character variant. The entity known as "Lord X" is an extraterrestrial being originating from the space between universes known as the VOID. It is a malicious being with a twisted mentality on what it calls "fun". Lord X bears a similar appearance to that of Classic Sonic, but with several differences. "Sonic.exe", aka "Lord X" personality-wise, is considered evil incarnate. X views humanity to be the perfect plaything and desires to one day have it all to himself for eternity. Lord X does not actually believe itself to be a god. The phrase "I AM GOD" is merely its attempt at mocking religion. X's arrogance and sadism appears to stem from his creative side, so it's possible that he also uses his powers to torture humans just to see what he can do with them, not just because it gives him great pleasure and power over them.
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