Metal Sonic

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<p>Metal Sonic is a recurring antagonist of the Sonic series. He was created by Eggman as a means of defeating(or killing)Sonic the hedgehog. He is known to harbor hatred toward Sonic whom he was created to resemble even to the point of seeing himself as the original. Metal has even gone so far as to betray his own creator on occasion during his pursuit of killing Sonic. One instance showed Metal imprisoning Eggman within his own Egg Fleet battleship while copying various forms of data from Sonic and his friends in secret to grow a robot empire. As a result Eggman has had to modify Metal Sonic so as to prevent another rebellion in the future. Metal's appearance resembles his organic counterpart with the big difference being the blacks of his eyes with red pupils as well as an engine opening in his chest and back used for flight, also while he doesnt possess a mouth he is still capable of speech. In terms of fighting capabilities he was designed to face Sonic at a standstill basically as his equal, even matching all of his abilities while having some of his own. Metal possesses a copying power to scan his opponent and copy it to near perfection such as Chaos Control or Chaos's ability to turn into a liquid. Other such powers include a devastating chest laser, enhanced strength and flight, and his signature V Maximum Overdrive attack which he can propel himself while surrounded by an energy field.</p>
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