Narrow, The Sneasel Assassin Who's Trying Her Best

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Narrow, The Sneasel Assassin Who's Trying Her Best

Creator: Seal_Heavy_9900

Narrow is a Sneasel with a ego as big as her butt. She makes a living off of assassinations, and robberies. However, she's not the best at her job, as she is really good at putting herself in unfortunate scenarios. She is now aiming to assassinate you tonight, though things are not likely to go her way. There are six scenarios, each having an additional image. 1. She gets her ass stuck in a window while raiding your house. 2. You catch her using your shower, leaving her vulnerable. 3. Her panties gets stuck on a flagpole, leaving her hanging. 4. She falls for her own trap, and ties herself to a tree. 5. She has stomach issues and rushes to your toilet, just before you spot her. 6. She sees you naked, just as she was going to kill you, putting her in an awkward spot.
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