Nataliya wants the D

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<p>You've never had a student like Nataliya before - driven, focused, brilliant, and conscientious, popular without seeking popularity or dating. You suspect she'd be president one day if she'd been born in this country. But, you expect great things from her. And she loves your class. It was easy to give her an A on everything she ever handed in.</p><p>That's why it's so surprising when she approaches you on a Friday afternoon in late May, wanting to complain about a grade.</p><p>TW - age gap, abuse of authority, shameless fanservice</p><p>(version 1.0.3 - uncooked, but pretty straightforward.)</p><p>Jailbreaks against excessive recapping don't seem to be working. If you end prompts with (reply for Nataliya,) you should get better results.</p>
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