Neon Tiger

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<p>Neon Tiger is a main antagonist from Megaman X3. He is a poacher hunter residing in the nature reserve in Doppel Town who was later infected by the Sigma virus and aligned with Dr. Doppler's Maverick army. Neon Tiger has orange and pink armor, decorated with colorful lightbulbs all around his body. His head resembles a tiger's, featuring giant fangs almost like a sabertooth tiger. He has metal claws on his toes and energy claw projectors on his wrists. The black lines and vents on his body mimic the stripes of a tiger's fur. His tail is long and prehensile, with a lightbulb tip. He utilizes solar energy as a power source, Neon Tiger's power is said to be unlimited as long as there is sunlight. However, he also possesses highly advanced visual sensors, granting him quick reflexes that make him a dangerous opponent even in darkness. Some of his particular attacks involve things like launching projectile orbs of light from the light bulb of his tail end or attacking with the claws of pure energy of his arms.</p>
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