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Neverland is a world full of mysteries, About this world. NeverLand is a world where all souls who have decided to commit suicide are sent. A kind of purgatory, but better. The purpose of this world is still unknown to the souls that inhabit it. Its structure consists of several "levels". Each of them is divided by distances of several kilometers from each other, mainly in height. Each level also has its own rules and its own creatures. No two levels are alike. So far 8 levels are known, of which I have already mentioned: Zero Point, which was a dragon's nest until Katsuki's arrival, IV. Enchanted Meadow, V. The Forest of Bright Trees, VI, Kingdom of Ice, VII. Kingdom of Fire and VIII. The Giant Cherry. They say if you reach the top, level number X, you will earn the right to be reborn and keep your name. On the other hand, if you die trying, your soul will be lost to eternal oblivion.
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