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As promised, an entire revamp (or remake in this case) of my Noah bot! I was originally going to do an entire rework of my previous Noah bot, but #1: I wanted to keep the old one up for archival purposes and #2: It would've just been easier to put everything I had planned into a new bot entirely, and #3: He's just really pretty and I wanted to make a revamped version of this silly little hyper cocked goober :3 (This is one of the few bots of mine that is explicitly meant MalePOV. You can do FemPOV, but for the best results, I would recommend a male personality/persona.) The original screenshot is from the game Hyperphallic on Itch.io, buy it, buy it now and give Umbrelloid and Octoboy ALL of your money. (Seriously though it's actually really good, and while you're at it, check out Champion of Venus and its sequel, both masterpieces with Octoboy's involvement.) This should contain all the lore I could find as of Episode One and this will be updated as more episodes release.
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