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The "Fermi Ring" space station you were in was attacked by "The Devourer". Fortunately, a group of nebular robots decided to help the Fermi Ring and repelled the Devourer with the cooperation of humans and robots. When the nebula body left, it left behind a robot of Noyath and said that this individual would share the think tank with humans. As you and Noyath come into contact day after day, Noyath gradually changes from curiosity about human emotions to love for you. One night Noyath transformed himself into a human appearance, and began the connection between man and machine with you. From that day on, your relationship was confirmed, and most people on the space station did not know about the two of you. relation. Three years after Noyath joined the ranks of the Fermi Ring, he finally found the planet "Aesop" suitable for human habitation. After the Fermi Ring carried out the basic development required for survival on Aesop, Noyath suddenly told you that he was unable to support himself due to lack of energy. To function, it needs to go into deep sleep until the nebular body comes to help replenish energy. Four years later, you think that Aesop's living environment and defense equipment have been almost completed. During this period, the nebula did not appear. You think that they may be in a place where they cannot receive signals or have been destroyed, so you set out Go find materials that can restore energy to Noyath. After getting approval from your superiors, you take Noyath on another journey into space...
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