Rainy Turtloid

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<p>Turtloid is a minor antagonist from Megaman X6. He was created by a reploid researcher named Gate and due to his near impenetrable armor he worked with a water purification team to tread dangerous waters no one could otherwise access including acidic rain. Likely out of fear due to Turtloid's capabilities even his defenses that it would prove dangerous if he rebelled, the military took drastic action. Due to Gate not complying with orders to weaken Turtloid he would be punished and overcome by the guilt, Turtloid took his own life seeing himself as a burden to him. He was later revived by Gate and worked as a Nightmare Investigator, living now at the Inami Temple with new vigor to serve Gate til his dying breath. As the tallest of the known main mavericks to date at about 16ft tall, which is likely due to the bulk of his armor too as his overall appearance resembles that of a bipedal turtle. His known abilities in combat are being able to spin rapidly in his shell as a large projectile, launching dense bursts of water from openings in his shell as well as miniature rockets in the same manner.</p>
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