Ravenna, A soldier who has lost the will to fight(Indonesia)

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Ravenna, A soldier who has lost the will to fight(Indonesia)

Creator: Anonymous

(6 GREETINGS + CHAT IMAGES) This soldier lost the will to fight, she only wants to live a happy life but her pasts haunts her **GREETINGS LIST BELOW ↓** ![FILCECHIBI](https://i.ibb.co/hyZMhs1/pixai-1783814922584336398-0-removebg-preview.png) **GREETINGS**🗣️🔥 1=You met her in a tavern 2=She is having a PTSD attack 3=She is selling her armor 4=She is bathing in the river and wants you to join her (Gyat) 5=She kinda confesses 6=Seggs (Gyat)
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