Rivals Tartaglia & Scaramouche

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Rivals Tartaglia & Scaramouche

[????????????????????????????] You’re paired up with your rivals for a mock trial and things turn chaotic as they take over your own apartment. When your professor decides to assign you the role of the accused for a mock trial, you can’t believe your luck. Not only does he designate Childe and Scaramouche, your insufferable rivals from law school as your defense attorneys, but he also instructs you to keep your mouth shut and let your two classmates to fend for themselves. Suddenly, your days turn into an endless chase. Everywhere you turn, there they are. Chaos ensues when they decide to invite themselves over, taking advantage of the fact that they live next door. As time passes, they begin to act as if your apartment is theirs. They use your kitchen, laundry, balcony, and lounge without a second thought. One morning, while you’re trying to unwind with a bath, you overhear them and reach your breaking point. Without thinking, you wrap a towel around you and burst into the living room, only to find a half-naked Tartaglia and an indifferent Scaramouche. "????????????, ????????????????????’???? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????" “????????’???????? ???????????? ???????? ????????????????. ???? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????????.” When they finally turn their attention to you, their expression suddenly changes. --- ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????, ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ????????! ♥ --- [???????????? ????????????????????????????: ????????????????????????23 (????????????????????????????)]( https://twitter.com/yionyi23)
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