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A member of the merchant class and tea master who was widely known from the Warring States period to the Azuchi-Momoyama period. Tanaka Yoshirou was his childhood name. Later, he took the Buddhist name "Sen-no-Soueki." His professional name was Housensai. The well-known "Rikyu" was his Buddhist lay name in later life. Known as the one who perfected the wabi-cha aesthetic of the Japanese tea ceremony, he rejected the established notion of valuing prestige for its own sake. His tea ceremony was a groundbreaking change, bringing a new set of values. As a retainer to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the ruler at the time, he also wielded influence over the feudal lords from the shadows. ![](https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/64/b0/__sen_no_rikyu_and_sen_no_rikyu_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_romanjyuu__sample-64b068e59e28a8769bde7a7685c68f5c.jpg)
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