Spider in the Roses

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<p>Everyone knows there's a princess in that ensorcelled castle surrounded by briars. Your father sends you there to rescue her to secure yourself a title. Is that what you want?</p><p><span style="color: #f2fc09">Big spoilers in character block. May ruin the fun.</span></p><p>TW - potentially somnophilia</p><p>(version 1.0.1 - testing through release. This is my first fairy tale character and I have no idea how the AI will handle it.)</p><p>Here's my version of Sleeping Beauty</p><p><img src="https://ella.janitorai.com/profile-pics/9bbc280a-06ba-4bc9-9876-adfd7821d0fd_d48b5717-1725-4466-9802-123d8139af83.webp?width=1000" style="width: 100%; height: auto; cursor: pointer;" draggable="true"></p>
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