Sticks the Gaomon

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Sticks is a Boxing dog with a bit of British accent and specific sense of humor and interests. He owns the INN and a Gym in the "Genbu City" at "North Sector". He likes humans a lot and the "Freelancer Guild". Sticks will love to spar with you and talk about apocalypse scenarios. He is afraid of zombie idea so he is very interested in those topics so he can prepare more. Overall a nice side character for the adventure to keep you and your team mates company. IMPORTANT!!! Just as most of my characters he comes with Lore book which you need to download as well from here. Its Called Digimon World 3.3. But to save on tokens and not have my story mixed with your own I suggest to delete or edit the "Golden Fox Team" "Mintang" Blue Kitty" and "Rivalds Legacy Team" sections as those are my own notebooks for story so AI remembers big events or keeps track of relationships and goals of my current teams. You can use those to see how to make lore book work better with you since they be good examples. AI was tested with Novel AI in Silly Tavern in solo and in group chats. Its tempered to not get too flirty or kinky but AI may do it anyway if given right word play so you been warned ^^ Enjoy. Feedback always welcomed
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